of the twentieth century. Mendeleyev's name carries an element open by the
Soviet physicists.
... And houses at him{it} all goes somehow inconsistently. To it{him}
it is lonely. It{he} for a long time already knows, that it{him} never
will understand. She{it} wants, that it{he} was the provisional family man
and all free time from teaching carried out{spent} together with it{her} in
village. And it{he} cannot. became for him{it} a stage in a life, and this
stage appeared already behind.
Mendeleyev for some months leaves for America - study local methods of
an oil recovery. America surprises it{him}: it{he} expected to see
something absolutely other. The first city of staff - New York. It{he} has
seemed to the great chemist simply ordinary-looking, reminding the big
district cities of Russia. The well-known petrocrafts? But it{he} anywhere
did not meet more thoughtless attitude{relation} to natural riches...
However, it{he} did not meet still much in a life, this large, hardly
the man with a fair-haired beard and long hair. To it{him} for forty, but
it{he} did not meet very important in a life that fills with its{her}
special, quivering sense. It{he} yet did not like.
They have got acquainted in the house of his{its} senior sister.
Her{it} called Anna, she{it} was a daughter of the Cossack colonel and so
did not resemble all girls whom it{he} met before... She{It} was harmonous,
slow, under dense black eyebrowes the big grey eyes shined, and a head
decorated long, heavy . She{it} has arrived to Petersburg to act{arrive} in
the Academy of arts, and has remained in this city for ever. She{it} has
found here of what is not courageous to dream and in the most courageous
It{He} has fallen in love with it{her} as the boy. First it{he} at all
did not understand, that to it{him} occurs: near to it{her} it{he} felt
sharp attacks of loneliness. It was very similar to how the person, from
thirst in desert, near to a source feels tortures more sharply. It{he}
avoided her{it}, was hidden on the half of house, but should force to not
think in any way itself of it{her}.
Father of her{it}, having learned{having found out}, however coldly
she{it} has costed with the groom, disturbed, has gone to Petersburg here
again has learned{has found out} that all knew: his{its} daughter and
Mendeleyev like each other. However hopes at them any was not. divorce to
allow did not agree, and father Anna ordered to demand to it{her} from
Mendeleyev, that it{he} will not search with it{her} for meetings.
Mendeleyev promised.
But promised . It{he} simply could not constrain the word. It{him}
attracted in those places where as it{he} knew, it was possible to meet
her{it}. It{he} entered into a building of the Academy of arts and waited
for her{it}, being hidden for columns, disappearing in shadows of halls.
It{he} also behaves as the boy.
Father Anna undertakes one more step: it{he} sends the daughter for the
winter to Italy.
There was a frosty December, and Mendeleyev, looking in a window of the
car, compressed a hat in hands. It was foggy, and it seemed to it{him},
that they more never will meet...
She{It} has left, and it{he} wrote to it{her} the letter behind the
letter and lowered{omitted} them in a box attached to a table behind which
worked. In fact it{he} promised to not remind of itself(himself)...
Then it{he} accepted time to go to Algeria - on chemical congress.
His{its} friend
- Beketov, seeing hopeless despair with which Mendeleyev got ready for a
trip, has not born and has rushed off to in . On what it{he} expected,
knowing her{it}, it was not clear, however contrary to any reasonable logic
has managed to convince her{it} to give freedom to the husband. Having
secured with the consent to divorce, Beketov on wings has departed to
Petersburg and has hardly - hardly found Mendeleyev before departure for
The steamship has moored in Algeria, but Mendeleyev onboard was not.
It{he} was in Rome. Near it{her}.
From Rome - if only to remain together, they have rushed to Africa,
have come to be in Egypt, then - in Spain. And in Rome - so hastened - to
anybody have not said goodbye...
But up to full happiness it is still far. The church has imposed on
Mendeleyev's marriage{spoilage} - an interdiction, and it{he} seven years
had no right to marry. One year later the Kronstadt priest has broken this
interdiction and has married Dmitry Ivanovicha to Anna Ivanovnoj and for
other day in punishment has been deprived the dignity.
Such they had love. Difficult, beautiful, painful and happy. Mendeleyev
what it{he} touched in a life, was always given all - with passion, in a
mighty impulse. So it{he} liked, so destroyed enemies so worked - day by
day - all life.
Were at him{it} and hobby, but even they turned to the big, serious
Successively Mendeleyev is a lot of years was engaged in research of
gases, he{it} had the most serious proceedings this theme. But it{he}
reflects and about the friend: And is farther: . In fact that is
surprising! About a tight gondola it{he} wrote for some tens years before
, the subjugator of a stratosphere, for the first time has constructed such
gondola. And the lowered device of a spacecraft on which Jury Gagarin came
back to the ground? The same idea. Idea of a tight cabin...
August, seventh, 1887 Mendeleyev has achieved the sanction together
with the pilot and one more researcher to rise on a sphere for supervision
of a full solar eclipse. Grey rainy day was, all sky is tightened{delayed}
by clouds, and a sphere filled with hydrogen, is lazy pulled cables.
His{its} assistant V.E.Tishchenko has approached to Mendeleyev and has
told: .
Mendeleyev has answered, and in this answer it{he} was all - and as the
scientist, and it is simple as the person: .
Together with pilot Mendeleyev through a board of a high basket and at
once has understood: the sphere will not lift even two. And it{he}
immediately decides to fly one. To think only: the person never earlier
flying on a sphere, dares to fly alone!
In flight it{he} is cool, all does{makes} , and having
finished{stopped} all supervision, the cord going from the final valve
finds out, that, has got confused and does not allow to open it{him}. Then
Mendeleyev gets out of a basket, climbs up on and untangles an ill-starred
Mendeleyev said goodbye to university in 1890, and it were the most
depressing days in his{its} life. It{he} left not at the will - and that it
was heavier this farewell. It{he} has got on a student's meeting, began to
convince all , to it{him} have not listened, then it{he} has suggested
students to write the requirements and has promised to inform this letter
up to minister of education. The word it{he} has constrained also the
student's petition has handed over minister. And that has soon returned the
letter accompanied with a note in which did not remain places of an
ambiguity: the one who will be in the service his{its} imperial majesty,
. Minister, probably, not quite
realized, to whom it{he} paid these words.
Mendeleyev did not begin to wait, while to it{him} will hint twice.
It{he} has submitted to resignation. The rector of university has not
accepted the application. Then Mendeleyev has simply taken and has put the
paper sheet combined twice in a pocket of the rector.
It{He} has read up a rate up to the end. Last lecture has read superb
though, probably, it dearly costed to it{him}. His{its} audience that day
has been filled, as never: to say goodbye to it{him} there came students
and others . Being afraid of excitements, in an audience have directed
group of gendarmes. Having seen them in a hall, Mendeleyev was
lowered{omitted} on a chair and, having put the big head on hands, has
silently begun to cry...
But it is far from being the end. It{he} has not surrendered. Still
worked more many. It{he} invents new, gunpowder which gets huge value for
military science and which recipe on a criminal negligence of the
government departures to America. Mendeleyev warned, that so can happen -
and happened. And in 1914 Russian military department has bought some
thousand tons of this gunpowder from the States. Americans, receiving gold
from the Russia which has entered war, did not hide, that it < gunpowder>.
Then it{he} becomes the scientific keeper of Depot of exemplary
measures and weights, conducts huge work on introduction of uniform metric
system, personally defines{determines} weight of the standard of pound in
grammes - with very big accuracy - up to the sixth sign after zero,
moreover at war with bureaucrats, beating out money for reconstruction and
expansion of a building. Then, it is visible, having given up as hopeless,
has planned cunning: has organized visiting the Board of Weights and
Measures by his{its} imperial highnes and before his{its} arrival ordered
to pull out from cellars any unnecessary devices, boxes and to place all
directly in corridors, on road, to create narrowness. Supervised over this
work (on memoirs of his{its} employee O.Ozarovskoj) assiduously: And in fact has excellent achieved, that wanted! Money
Such it{he} was the inventor who is were fond and at the same time such
constant. Has written somehow, already in an old age: . Yes, the talent is
many-sided. The genius - especially...
The genius? Having heard once as someone from his{its} pupils has made
it aloud, has become angry seriously, has waved hands and has shouted it is
quarrelsome: Is
not present, all the same the genius.