Customs and traditions of Great Britain

Customs and traditions of Great Britain

Customs and traditions

English customs and traditions, first of all, concerns United Kingdom

political system. In Great Britain there is no written constitution, only

customs, traditions and precedents. After the English Revolution of Great

Britain is a constitutional monarchy headed by King (now Queen, Elizabeth

the second). Traditionally the Queen acts only on the advice of her

Ministers. She reigns but she does not rule.

Englishmen have traditions not only in political, but in social life. For

example, London, the capital of England, is traditionally divided into

three parts: the West End, the East end, and the City. The City is a

historical, financial and business center of London. The East End is the

district inhabited by the workers, and the West End is a fashionable

shopping and entertaining center. English people like to spend their free

time in numerous pubs where they can have a glass of beer and talk about

different things with their friends.

The English are traditional about their meals. They eat eggs and bacon with

toasts for breakfast, pudding or apple pie for dessert. Every English

family has five o'clock tea. A typical feature of an English house is a

fireplace, even when there is central heating in the house.

English people like domestic animals. Every family has a pet: a dog, a cat

or a bird.

Politeness is a characteristic feature of Englishmen. They often say "Thank

you", "Sorry", "Beg your pardon". Russian people, I think, have to learn

this good custom.

Englishmen have many traditional holidays, such as Christmas,

St.Valentine's Day, Mother's day, Easter and others.

Some English customs and traditions are famous all over the world.

Bowler hats, tea and talking about the weather, for example. From Scotland

to Cornwall, the United Kingdom is full of customs and traditions. Here

are some of them.

St. Valentine’s

St. Valentine's Day roots in several different legends that have

found their way to us through the ages. One of the earliest popular symbols

of the day is Cupid, the Roman god of Love, Who is represented by the image

of a young boy with bow and arrow. Three hundred years after the death of

Jesus Christ, the Roman emperors still demanded that everyone believe in

the Roman gods. Valentine, a Christian priest, had been thrown in prison

for his teachings. On February 14, Valentine was beheaded, not only because

he was a Christian, but also because he had performed a miracle. He

supposedly cured the jailer's daughter of her blindness. The night before

he was executed, he wrote the jailer's daughter a farewell letter, signing

it, "from Your Valentine". Another legend tells us that this same

Valentine, well-loved by all, wrote notes from his jail cell to children

and friends who missed him. Whatever the odd mixture of origins, St.

Valentine's Day is now a day for sweethearts. It is the day that you show

your friend of loved one that you care. You can send candy to someone you

think is special. Or you can send "valentines" a greeting card named after

the notes that St. Valentine wrote from jail. Valentines can be

sentimental, romantic, and heartfelt. They can be funny and friendly. If

the sender is shy, valentines can be anonymous. Americans of all ages as

other people in different countries love to send and receive valentines.

Handmade valentines, created by cutting hearts out of coloured paper, show

that a lot of thought was put into making them personal. Valentines can be

heart-shaped, or have hearts, the symbol of love, on them. In elementary

schools, children make valentines, they have a small party with

refreshments. You can right a short rhyme inside the heart:

There are gold ships

And silver ships,

But no ships

Like friendship.

Valentine cards are usually decorated with symbols of love and

friendship. These symbols were devised many centuries ago. Lace symbolises

a net for catching one's heart. If you get a Valentine with a piece of a

lace you may understand that the person who sent it must be crazy about

you. A symbol should have several meanings, so some experts maintain that

lace stands for a bridal veil. A ribbon means that the person is tired up,

while hearts, which are the most common romantic symbol, denote eternal

love. Red roses are also often used as a love emblem. Valentine's Day grows

more and more popular in many countries of the world. Some people have

already begun to celebrate it in Russia. They try to imitate European

Valentine customs and want to known more about their origin. St.

Valentine's Day is the day when boys and girls. friends and neighbours,

husbands and wives, sweethearts and lovers exchange greeting of love and

affection. It is the day to share one's loving feelings with friends and

family, but it is young men and girls who usually wait it with impatience.

This day has become traditional for many couples to become engaged. That

makes young people acknowledge St. Valentine's as the great friend and

patron of lovers.

November, 5 is Guy Fawkes’s Day.

On the 5th of November in almost every town and village in England

one can see fire burning, fireworks, cracking and lighting up the sky,

small groups of children pulling round in a home made cart, a figure that

looks something like a man but consists of an old suit of clothes, stuffed

with straw. The children sing:" Remember, remember the 5th of November; Gun

powder, treason and plot". And they ask passers-by for "a penny for the

Guy" But the children with "the Guy" are not likely to know who or what day

they are celebrating. They have done this more or less every 5th of

November since 1605. At that time James the First was on the throne. He was

hated with many people especially the Roman Catholics against whom many

sever laws had been passed. A number of Catholics chief of whom was Robert

Catesby determined to kill the King and his ministers by blowing up the

house of Parliament with gunpowder. To help them in this they got Guy

Fawker, a soldier of fortune, who would do the actual work. The day fixed

for attempt was the 5th of November, the day on which the Parliament was to

open. But one of the conspirators had several friends in the parliament and

he didn't want them to die. So he wrote a letter to Lord Monteagle begging

him to make some excuse to be absent from parliament if he valued his life.

Lord Monteagle took the letter hurrily to the King. Guards were sent at

once to examine the cellars of the house of Parliament. And there they

found Guy Fawker about to fire a trail of gunpowder. He was tortured and

hanged, Catesby was killed, resisting arrest in his own house. In memory of

that day bonfires are still lighted, fireworks shoot across the November

sky and figures of Guy Fawker are burnt in the streets.


It is certain that Christmas is celebrated all over the world.

Perhaps no other holiday has developed a set of customs and symbols. This

is the day when many people are travelling home to be with their famillies

on Christmas Day, 25th December. The Christmas story comes from bible. An

angel appeared to shepherds and told them that a Savior had been born to

Mary and Joseph in a stable in Bethlehem. Three Wise Men from the East

followed a wondrous star which led them to the baby Jesus to whome they

paid homage and presented gifts of gold, frankicense and myrrh. To people

all over the world, Christmas is a season of giving and receiving presents.

In Scandinavian and other European countries, Father Christmas, or Saint

Nicholas, comes into house at night and leaves gifts for the children.

Saint Nicholas is represented as a fidly man with a red cloak and long

white beard. He visited house and left giftes, dringing people happiness in

the coldest months of the year. Another character, the Norse God Odin, rode

on a magical flying horse across the ages to make the present day Santa


For most British families, this is the most important festival of the

year, it combines the Christian celebration or the birth of Christ with the

traditional festivities of winter. On the Sunday before Christmas many

churches hold a carol service where special hymns are sung.Sometimes carol-

singers can be heard on the streets as they collect money for charity. Most

families decorate their houses with brightly-coloured paper or holly, and

they usually have a Christmas tree in the corner or the front foom,

glittering with coloured lights and decorations. The Christmas tree was

popularized by Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria, who introduced one

to the Royal Household in 1840. Since 1947, the country of Norway has

presented Britain annually with a large Christmas tree which stands in

Trafalgar Square in commemoration of Anglo-Norwegian cooperation during the

Second World War.

There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas but perhaps

the most important one is the giving of present. Familly members wrap up

their gifts and leave them bottom of the Christmas tree to be found on

Christmas morning. Children leave sock or stocking at the end of their beds

on Christmas Eve, 24th of December, hoping that Father Christmas will come

down the chimney during the night and bring them small presents, fruit and

nuts. They are usually not disappointe! At some time on Christmas Day the

familly will sit down to a big turkey dinner followed by Christmas pudding.

Christmas dinner consists traditionally of a roast turkey, goose or chicken

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