Деньги и их функции(MONEY)

Деньги и их функции(MONEY)



STORING WEALTH. Almost every society now has a money economy based on coins

and paper notes of one kind or another. However, this has not always been

true. In primitive societies a system of barter was used. Barter was a

system of direct exchange of goods. Somebody could exchange a sheep, for

example, for anything in the market place that they considered to be equal

value. Barter however was a very unsatisfactory system because people’s

precise needs seldom coincided. People needed a more practical system of

exchange, and various money systems developed based on goods, which the

members of a society recognized as having a value. Cattle, grain, teeth,

shells, features, skulls, salt, elephant tusks and tobacco have all been

used. Precious metals gradually took over because, when made into coins,

they were portable, durable, recognizable, and divisible into larger and

smaller units of value.

A coin is a piece of metal, usually disc-shaped, which bears

lettering, designs or numbers showing its value. Until the 18th and 19th

centuries coins were given monetary worth based on the exact amount of

metal contained in them, but most modern coins are based on face value, the

value the governments choose to give them, irrespective of the actual metal

content. Coins have been made of gold (Au), silver (Ag), copper (Cu),

aluminum (Al), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), plastic and in China even

from pressed tealeaves. Most governments now issue paper money in the form

of notes, which are “promises to pay". Paper money is obviously easier to

handle and much more convenient in the modern world. Checks, bankers, cards

and credit cards are being used increasingly and it is possibly to imagine

a world where “money” in the form of coins and paper currently will no

longer be used. Even today, in the U.S many places-especially filling

stations-will not accept cash at night for security reasons.


Barter and the Double Coincidence of Wants

As long as specialization was limited, desirable trades were relatively

easy to uncover. As the economy developed, however, greater specialization

in the division of labor increased the difficulty of finding goods that

each trader wanted to exchange. Rather than just two possible types of

producers, there were, say, a hundred types of producers, ranging from

potters to shoemakers. The potter in need of new shoes might have trouble

finding a shoemaker in need of pots. Barter depends on a double coincidence

of wants, which occurs only when traders are willing to exchange their

product for what the other is selling. The cobbler must be willing to

exchange shoes for the pots offered by the potter, and the potter must be

willing to exchange pots for the shoes offered by the cobbler. Not only

might this double coincidence of wants be hard to find but after the two

traders connect they would also need to agree upon a rate of exchange—that

is, how many pots should be exchanged for a pair of shoes? Increased

specialization made the barter system of exchange more time-consuming and


When only two goods are produced, only one exchange rate must be

determined, but as the number of goods produced in the economy increases,

the number of exchange rates grows sharply. Negotiating the exchange rates

among commodities is complicated in a barter economy because there is no

common measure of value. Sometimes the differences in the value of the

products made barter difficult. For example, suppose the cobbler wanted to

buy a home. If a home exchanged for 2000 pairs of shoes, the cobbler would

be hard-pressed to find a home seller in need of that many shoes. These

difficulties with barter have led even very simple and primitive economies

to use money, as we will see next.

Earliest Money and Its Functions

We have already discussed the movement from self-sufficiency to more

specialized production requiring barter. We saw that the greater the degree

of specialization in the economy, the more difficult it became to discover

a double coincidence of wants and then to negotiate mutually beneficial

exchanges. We should note that nobody actually recorded the emergence of

money. Thus, we can only speculate about how money first came into use.

Through repeated exchanges, traders may have found that there were certain

goods for which there was always a ready market. If a trader could not find

a desired match or did not need goods for immediate consumption, some good

with a ready market could be accepted instead. So traders began to accept

certain goods not for immediate consumption but because these goods would

be acceptable to others and therefore could be retraded later. For example,

corn might become accepted because traders knew corn was always in demand.

As one good became generally acceptable in return for all other goods, that

good began to function as money. As we will see, anything that is used as

money serves three important functions: a medium of exchange, a standard of

value, and a store of wealth.

Medium of Exchange If a community, by luck or by design, can find one

commodity that everyone accepts in exchange for whatever is sold, traders

can save much time, disappointment, and sheer aggravation. Separating the

sale of one good from the purchase of another requires something acceptable

to all parties involved in the transaction. Suppose corn plays this role, a

role that clearly goes beyond its usual function as food. We call corn a

medium of exchange because corn is accepted in exchange by all buyers and

sellers, whether or not they want corn for its own uses. A medium of

exchange is anything that is generally accepted in return for goods and

services sold. Corn is no longer an end but a means to an end. The end may

be shoes, meat, pots, whatever. The person who accepts corn in exchange for

some product may already have more corn than the entire family could eat in

a year, but the corn is not accepted with a view toward consumption. It is

accepted because it can be readily exchanged for other goods. Corn can be

used to purchase whatever is desired whenever it is desired. Because in

this example corn both is a commodity and serves as money, we call corn a

commodity money. The earliest money was commodity money.

Standard of Value As one commodity, such as corn, became widely accepted,

the prices of all goods came to be quoted in terms of corn. The chosen

commodity became a common standard of value. The price of shoes or pots

could be expressed in bushels of corn. Thus, not only does corn serve as a

medium of exchange but it also becomes a yardstick for measuring the value

of all goods and services. Rather than having to quote the rate of exchange

for each good in terms of every other good, as was the case in the barter

economy, the price of everything could be measured in terms of corn. For

example, if a pair of shoes sells for two bushels of corn and a five-gallon

pot sells for one bushel of corn, then one pair of shoes exchanges for two

five-gallon pots.

Store of Wealth Because people often do not want to make purchases at the

same time they sell an item, the purchasing power acquired through sales

must somehow be preserved. Money serves as a store of wealth by retaining

purchasing power over time. The cobbler exchanges shoes for corn in the

belief that other suppliers will accept corn in exchange for whatever the

cobbler demands later. Corn represents a way of deferring purchasing power

yet conserving that power until consumption is desired. The better money is

at preserving purchasing power, the better it serves as a store of wealth.

When we think of someone selling one good in order to be able to buy a

second good, then the exchange of the first good for corn is only half of

the exchange. Goods are first exchanged for the commodity money, corn; corn

is -later exchanged for other goods. Breaking the exchange in two is much

more convenient than trying to work out a barter arrangement, with its

frequent delays and disappointments. With money, the buyers and sellers

need to have only one good in common instead of two.

Any commodity that acquires a high degree of acceptability throughout the

economy thereby becomes money. Consider some commodities used as money over

the centuries. Cattle served as money, first for the Greeks and then for

the Romans. In fact, the word pecuniary comes from the Latin word pecus,

meaning "cattle." Other commodity moneys used at various times include

tobacco and wampum (polished strings of shells) in colonial America, tea

pressed into small cakes in Russia, and dates in North Africa.

Whatever serves as a medium of exchange is called money, no matter what it

is, no matter how it first came to serve as a medium of exchange, and no

matter why it continues to serve this function. So long as there is

something that sellers willingly accept in exchange for whatever they

sell—rather than looking around for goods they in particular would like to

consume—that article is money, whether it is animal, vegetable, or mineral.

The only test for money is that it be widely accepted in return for goods

and services. Some kinds of money perform this function well, others not so

well. But good or bad, it is all money.

Problems with Commodity Money

Corn does as well as some other commodities that have served as money

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