6. As soon as an experimental result comes out against the prediction and

we arc satisfied that it is not a blunder we decide to consider the theory

falsified, but only tentatively so.

7. With this we gain a deeper understanding of our problem and proceed to

invent our next hypothetical theory for solving it, which we treat again in

the same way.

8. The concatenation of all these conjectures and refutations constitutes

the dynamics of scientific progress, moving ever closer to the truth, but

never reaching certainty.

In summary, the Popperian deductivist believes that science moves from

the general to the particulars and back to the general— a process without

end. Let me inject a metaphor. I might liken the Popperian view of science

to that of a carriage with two horses. The experimental horse is strong,

but blind. The theoretical horse can see, but it cannot pull. Only both

together can bring the carriage forward. And behind it leaves a track

bearing witness to the incessant struggle of trial and error.

The Deductive-inductive Method.

Just as money makes money, so knowledge already acquired facilitates the

acquisition of more knowledge. It is equally evident in the case of the

method, which will now engage our attention. The progress of science, and

of knowledge generally, is frequently facilitated by supplementing the

simpler inductive methods by deductive reasoning from knowledge already

acquired. Such a combination of deduction with induction, J. S. Mill called

the "Deductive Method," by which he really meant the "Deductive Method of

Induction." To avoid the confusion of the "Deductive Method" with mere

deduction, which is only one part of the whole method, it is better to

describe it as the "Deductive-Inductive Method" or the "Inductive-Deductive

Method." Mill distinguished two principal forms of this method as applied

to the study of natural phenomena, -namely, (1) that form of it in which

deduction precedes induction, and (2) that in which induction precedes

deduction. The first of these (1) he called the "Physical Method"; the

second (2) he called the "Historical Method."

These names are rather misleading, inasmuch as both forms of the method are

frequently employed in physics, where sometimes, say in the study of light,

mathematical (i.e., deductive) calculations precede and suggest physical

experiments (i.e., induction), and sometimes the inductive results of

observation or experiment provide the occasion or stimulus for mathematical

deductions. In any case, the differences in order of sequence are of no

great importance, and hardly deserve separate names. What is of importance

is to note the principal kinds of occasion, which call for the use of this

combined method. They are mainly three in number: (1) When an hypothesis

cannot be verified (i.e., tested) directly, but only indirectly; (2) when

it is possible to systematise a number of already established inductions,

or laws, under more comprehensive laws or theories; (3) when, owing to the

difficulties of certain problems, or on account of the lack of sufficient

and suitable instances of the phenomena under investigation, it is

considered desirable either to confirm an inductive result by independent

deductive reasoning from the nature of the case in the light of previous

knowledge, or to confirm a deductive conclusion by independent inductive


An example of each of these types may help to make them clear. (1) When

Galileo was investigating the law of the velocity of falling bodies he

eventually formed the hypothesis that a body starting from rest falls with

a uniform acceleration, and that its velocity varies with the time of its

fall. But he could not devise any method for the direct verification of

this hypothesis. By mathematical deduction, however, he arrived at the

conclusion that a body falling according to his hypothetical law would fall

through a distance proportionate to the time of its fall. This consequence

could be tested by comparing the distances and the time of falling bodies,

which thus served as an indirect verification of his hypothesis. (2) By

inductions from numerous astronomical observations made by Tycho Brahe and

himself, Kepler discovered the three familiar laws called by his name,

namely, (a) that the planets move in elliptic orbits which have the sun for

one of their foci; (6) that the velocity of a planet is such that the

radius vector (i.e., an imaginary line joining the moving planet to the

sun) sweeps out equal areas in equal periods of time; and (c) that the

squares of the periodic times of any two planets (that is, the times which

they take to complete their revolutions round the sun) are proportional to

the cubes of their mean distances from the sun. These three laws appeared

to be quite independent of each other. But Newton systematised them all in

the more comprehensive induction, or theory, of celestial gravitation. He

showed that they could all be deduced from the one law that the planets

tend to move towards each other with a force varying directly with the

product of their masses, and inversely with the square of the distances

between them. (3) H. Spencer, by comparing a number of predominantly

industrial States and also, of predominantly military States, ancient and

modern, inferred inductively that the former type of State is democratic

and gives rise to free institutions, whereas the latter type is

undemocratic and tends to oppression. As the sparse evidence hardly

permitted of a rigorous application of any of .the inductive methods,

Spencer tried to confirm his conclusion by deductive reasoning from the

nature of the case in the light of what is known about the human mind. He

pointed out that in a type of society, which is predominantly industrial,

the trading relations between individuals are the predominant relations,

and these train them to humour and consider others. The result is a

democratic attitude in all. In a State, which is predominantly military,

the relations which are most common among its members are those of

authority, on the one part, and of subordination on the other. The result

is the reverse of a democratic atmosphere.


In conclusion, I would like to discuss the relation of epistemology to

other branches of philosophy. Philosophy viewed in the broadest possible

terms divides into many branches: metaphysics, ethics, aesthetics, logic,

philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, and a

gamut of others. Each of these disciplines has its special subject matter:

for metaphysics it is the ultimate nature of the world; for ethics, the

nature of the good life and how people ideally ought to comport themselves

in their relations with others; and for philosophy of science, the

methodology and results of scientific activity. Each of these disciplines

attempts to arrive at a systematic understanding of the issues that arise

in its particular domain. The word systematic is important in this

connection, referring, as explained earlier, to the construction of sets of

principles or theories that are broad-ranging, consistent, and rationally

defensible. In effect, such theories can be regarded as sets of complex

claims about the various matters that are under consideration.

Epistemology stands in a close and special relationship to each of these

disciplines. Though the various divisions of philosophy differ in their

subject matter and often in the approaches taken by philosophers to their

characteristic questions, they have one feature in common: the desire to

arrive at the truth about that with which they are concerned--say, about

the fundamental ingredients of the world or about the nature of the good

life for man. If no such claims were asserted, there would be no need for

epistemology. But, once theses have been advanced, positions staked out,

and theories proposed, the characteristic questions of epistemology

inexorably follow. How can one know that any such claim is true? What is

the evidence in favour of (or against) it? Can the claim be proven?

Virtually all of the branches of philosophy thus give rise to

epistemological ponderings.

These ponderings may be described as first-order queries. They in turn

inevitably generate others that are, as it were, second-order queries, and

which are equally or more troubling. What is it to know something? What

counts as evidence for or against a particular theory? What is meant by a

proof? Or even, as the Greek Sceptics asked, is human knowledge possible at

all, or is human access to the world such that no knowledge and no

certitude about it is possible? The answers to these second-order questions

also require the construction of theories, and in this respect epistemology

is no different from the other branches of philosophy. One can thus define

or characterise epistemology as that branch of philosophy, which is

dedicated to the resolution of such first- and second-order queries.


1. A preface to the logic of science, by Peter Alexander, Sheed and Ward,

London and New York, 1963.

2. Popper selections, edited by Dawid Miller, Princeton University press,


3. The critical approach to science and philosophy, edited by Mario Bunge,

The free press of Glencoe Collier- Magmillan limited, London, 1964.

4. Britannica encyclopaedia, 1948.

5. Logic without metaphysics, by Ernest Nagel, Glencoe, Ill..: Free Press,


6. "Epistemology, History of,", by D.W. Hamlyn. The Encyclopaedia of


7. Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology, expanded 2nd ed., by Ayn Rand,

New York: Penguin Group, 1990.

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