История развития компьютеров (Silicon Valley, its history the best companies)

in 1955, and his foster parents were - unlike most other people in Silicon

Valley - blue-collar workers. However, growing up in an environment full of

electronics, Steve came in con tact with this fascinating technology and

was caught by it.

Jobs was a loner and his character can be described as brash, very

ambitious and unshakably self-confident. With his directness and his

persistency he persuaded most people. He had the ability to convey his

notions and vision to other people quite well. An d he was not afraid to

talk to famous people and did never stop talking to them until they gave in

and did what he wanted. His traits could already be observed in his

adolescence, for instance when he - at the age of thirteen - called famous

Bill Hewlett, president of HP, and asked him for spare parts he needed for

his frequency counter.

Although Steve Jobs was five years younger than Wozniak, "the two got along

at once." Apart from their common fascination with electronics, they

"shared a certain intensity." Whereas Woz was intense in digging "deeper

into an intellectual problem than anyone else," Jobs's intensity was in

ambition. Moreover, both were genuine pranksters, and often they fooled

others with their technical knowledge.)

When they heard of "phone-phreaking" - making free long-distance telephone

calls with a device called "blue box" - the two started their first

business venture, building those blue boxes.

In 1972, Steve Jobs went to Reed College in Oregon; however, there he

became more interested in Eastern religions, dropped out a year later and

returned to Silicon Valley, where he took a job with Atari (a young video

game company) until he had saved enough money to go on a trip to India for

some months. Then he went back to California and to his work at Atari.

After attending three different colleges, Wozniak had begun work for

Hewlett-Packard in summer 1973. When Atari planned to develop a new game

called "Breakout," Jobs boasted he could design it in only four days -

quicker and better than anyone else. Jobs t old his friend Woz about it,

and the two designed the game in record time, working four nights and days,

and were paid the promised $700 for it. This experience showed them that

they could work together on a tough project and succeed.

The first Apple

When the Homebrew Computer Club came into existence, Wozniak began

attending its meetings. As he later would recall, Homebrew was a revelation

for him and changed his life. He met people who "shared his love for

computers") and learned from them as well a s he encouraged them with his

technical expertise. Others brought along their Altairs, which Wozniak was

interested in but could not afford. He realized this computer resembled the

Cream Soda Computer he had built some time ago.

Soon after, Chuck Peddle at MOS Tech released his new 6502 microprocessor

chip for only $20, which was a sensation compared to the usual price of

$400 for those chips then. Suddenly, Woz saw his chance and decided to

write the first BASIC for it, which was the most spread programming

language. After finishing with the BASIC, he made a computer for it to run

on. The other hobbyists at Homebrew were impressed by Wozniak's kit, which

actually was a board with chips and interfaces for a keyboard and a video


Steve Jobs saw the opportunity of this machine, which they named Apple, and

finally persuaded Wozniak to start a company in April 1976. The two raised

the money for the prototype model with a printed circuit board by selling

Jobs' VW microbus and Wozniak's HP calculators. With the Apple I, Steve

Wozniak had designed a "technological wonder") and made his dream of owning

a computer come true. His friend Steve Jobs played the role of a salesman

and his ambitious promotion made the Apple I "a star in the tight world of

computer freaks.")

The breakthrough for the two Steves came in July, when Paul Terrell ordered

50 Apples for his Byte Shop, however on condition the computers were fully

assembled in a case and equipped with a cassette interface to enable

external data storage.

Jobs could "obtain net 30 days credit") for the parts they needed for their

computer. Working hard in Jobs parents' garage, they managed to construct

the 50 Apples within those 30 days.

The Apple I was continuously refined by Wozniak, and its sales made the

young company known, partly because the company's name appeared on top of

computer lists, which were published by electronics magazines in

alphabetical order.

Building up the company

While the first Apple was being sold, Steve Wozniak had already begun work

on another computer, the Apple II. This machine would have several special

features which had not appeared in any microcomputer before and would make

it "the milestone product that would usher in the age of the personal


Jobs and Wozniak sensed the market potential their new computer would have,

but realized they did not have the necessary capital for constructing the

machines. So they tried to sell their computer to several established

companies such as Atari, HP and MOS Tech, which, however, rejected. Looking

out for some venture capital to produce the new computers by themselves,

Steve Jobs met with Mike Markkula, who had been a marketing manager at

Fairchild and Intel.

Markkula was at the age of 38, but had already retired, since he had made a

fortune of many million dollars by his stock option at Intel. He visited

Jobs's garage and became interested in their project. Markkula, the former

marketing wizard at Intel, thought it "made sense to provide computing

power to individuals in the home and workplace" and offered to help them

"draw up a business plan.") Finally, he decided to join the two Steves. He

offered $250,000 of his own money and his marketing expertise for on e

third of the company, which was incorporated as Apple Computer in January

1977. Markkula's decision marked the turning point in Apple's history; he

took care of the business side and arranged all the things necessary to

create a successful company. Markkula's know-how was crucial for Apple,

since Woz and Jobs did not have any business expertise. This knowledge is

very important for new firms. A lot of other start-ups in Silicon Valley

failed as their founders were only engineers, who lost control over their

enterprises when they could not meet the skyrocketing demand for their


In 1977, Markkula hired Mike Scott, who had worked for product marketing at

Fairchild, as the company's president, because he felt Apple needed an

experienced person to run the company.

Jobs, who wanted only the best for his company, also persuaded Regis

McKenna, who ran the biggest and most influential agency in Silicon Valley,

to do public relations and advertising for Apple. McKenna, who worked for

successful Intel and many other companies, brought Apple legitimacy and,

among other things, designed the famous Apple logo. Another important

contribution was the fact that he made Apple the first company to advertise

personal computers in consumer magazines to "get national attention" and "

popularize this idea of low-cost computers.")

Steve Jobs's persistency had persuaded Wozniak, the electronics genius who

designed the machine, McKenna, and Markkula, the business expert. Jobs

himself was the driving force that brought the key components together to

build up a successful company.

Apple II - starting the personal computer boom

In April 1977, the Apple II was introduced to the public at the West coast

Computer Faire (market), where Apple had rented the largest booth just

opposite the entrance. Wozniak's "technological wonder") was a great

success and the first orders were already made. The Apple II was the "first

true personal computer.") It was the first microcomputer able to generate

color graphics and the first with BASIC in ROM and included a keyboard,

power supply and an attractive lightweight and beige plastic case, which

would become standard for subsequent PCs. The Apple II was more

sophisticated than any microcomputer before, and represented a machine,

which could be worked with effectively. Steve Wozniak had put all his

"engineering savvy") into it, and had created a computer he would like to


The Apple II was given a rapturous welcome in the public. In 1977, the

company sold more than 4,000 computers, which were priced at $1,300, and

grew rapidly.

Programs and data for the Apple II were stored on cassette tapes. But this

common way of storage turned out to be quite unreliable and awkward. Mike

Markkula saw the future in floppy disks, which had been developed by IBM in

the early 1970s, and asked Wozniak to design a disk drive for the Apple II.

Woz took the challenge and finished in record time (only one month). His

final design was brilliant: he developed a new technique ("self-sync") and

created the fastest minifloppy disk drive. It was shipped in June 1978 and

proved vital for Apple's further growth. It made possible the development

of serious software such as word processors and data base packages,") which

increased the practical use of the computer decisively.

In 1979, Daniel Fylstra, a programmer from Boston, released VisiCalc for

the Apple II. This spreadsheet was a novelty in computer software. It

relieved business calculations considerably and could be used to do

financial forecasting. It was the first application that made personal

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