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hoarding is and how large it is. If it is in a very good position and near

the centre of the city where it will be seen by many potential customers,

then it will probably be quite expensive. The sites are usually rented out

to clients on a monthly basis by an advertising agency.


These are quite often used by local traders to advertise their goods and

services. They are expensive in labour costs and are not very effective.


The inside and outside of buses, trains, vans and other kinds of public

transport are used in transport advertising. The most expensive position is

where the advertisement is most likely to be seen by the public such as the

back of a bus or the inside of a bus, especially at the front where the

potential customer will be seated looking at it. The most inexpensive

position is upstairs on the bus or at the back inside the bus. It is

difficult to tell whether transport advertising is effective.


The cinema screen is used for advertising by local and national traders.

Like transport advertising, it is difficult to judge how effective cinema

advertising is.

Neon displays

These are mostly used by large firms. The signs are usually displayed in

city centres.

Technical journals

These are mostly used as an advertising medium by large manufacturing and

distributing companies. They are read by persons and companies who are

interested in this particular kind of product, and the journals will also

contain other information that is useful to the readers. Technical journals

are usually printed once a month. Examples are The Hairdresser, The Radio

and Television Magazine and the Farmers Live Stock Journal. Advertising in

technical journals is a very good method of advertising.

Trade fairs and shows

The Motor Show, the Boat Show, the Radio Show and the Ideal Homes

Exhibition are a few examples of trade fairs and shows. Dairy products may

be advertised at agricultural shows. Aircraft may be advertised and

displayed at the Farnborough Air Show. The disadvantage is that the shows

and exhibitions are expensive to organize.

It is very difficult for advertisers to tell whether a particular

advertisement or method of advertising has been effective, but there is no

doubt that without advertising the customer would never hear of some

products. Perhaps the most effective advertising of all is the

recommendation of the product by a satisfied customer to a potential

customer – advertising by word of mouth.

The language of advertising

Here are some methods used in persuasive advertising. Read them

quickly. Decide which appeal to you and which don’t. Now think of an

example for each type from your country.

persuasive advertising

1. Repetition The simplest kind of advertising. A slogan is

repeated so often that we begin to associate a brand name

with a particular product or service.

2. Endorsement A popular personality is used in the


3. Emotional appeal Advertising often appeals to basics such

as mother-love, sex, manliness, feminity.

4. Scientific authority Sometimes the advert shows a person

in a white coat (i.e. a scientist) telling us about the

product. More often it mentions “miracle ingredients” or

“scientific testing” to persuade us.

5. “Keeping up with the jones’s” An appeal to pure snob

value. You want to appeal to be richer or more successful

than your neighbours.

6. Comparison The advert lists the qualities of a product in

direct comparison with rival products.

7. An appeal to fear or anxiety This type is similar to 3,

but works on our fears.

8. Association of ideas This is usually visual. Until it

became illegal in Britain, cigarette advertising showed

attractive, healthy people smoking in beautiful rural


9. Information If a product is new, it may be enough to show

it and explain what it does.

10. Special offers/free gifts This is a very simple and

direct appeal – it’s half a price!

11. Anti-advertising This is a modern version which appeals

to the British sense of humour. It makes fun of the

techniques of advertising.

Do you agree that the only background for the problems with brand names

would be:

- wrong pronunciation;

- wrong association;

- wrong translation.

Types of advertising


1. Scope of advertising

Advertising serves many purposes and many advertisers, from the individual

who places a small classified advertisement in his local newspaper to the

big spender who uses networked TV to sell popular brands to the nation's


2. Types

It is possible to identify seven main categories of advertising, namely

consumer, industrial, trade, retail, financial, direct response and


Consumer advertising

3. Different kinds

There are two kinds of goods bought by the general public, consumer goods

and consumer durables, which together with consumer services are advertised

through media addressed to the appropriate social grades.

4. Consumer goods

These are the numerous goods to be found in the shops, those which enjoy

repeat sales like foods, drinks, confectionery and toiletries being called

Fast Moving Consumer Goods, (FMCGs).

5. Consumer durables

Usually more expensive and less frequently bought, consumer durables are of

a more permanent nature than consumer goods and include clothes, furniture,

domestic appliances, entertainment goods like radio, television and video,

and mechanical equipment from lawn-mowers to motor-cars.

6. Consumer services

They include services for security and well-being like banking, insurance,

investment, repairs and maintenance, and those more to do with pleasure

such as hotels, restaurants, travel and holidays.

7. Social grades

The social grades system makes it possible to identify certain groups of

people—prospective buyers—and then to pinpoint the media which will reach

them most effectively.

8. Media of consumer advertising

The media of consumer advertising will tend to be those with wide appeal,

and even when more specialist journals such as women's magazines are used

they will still have large circulations. In fact, the term 'consumer press'

is applied to the publications which are displayed for sale in newsagents

shops, on news-stands and on newspaper vendors' pitches'

Most of the trade, technical and professional journals have other forms of

distribution such as special orders placed with newsagents, postal

subscription or free postal controlled circulation. Controlled circulation

are not to be confused with membership or subscription magazines. They are

mailed (free of charge) to selected readers plus those who have requested


In Britain there are also hundreds of 'free' local newspapers which are

delivered door-to-door every week. With saturation coverage of urban areas

they provide good advertising media for many local businesses.

The primary media of consumer advertising are the press, radio, television,

outdoor and to a limited extent cinema, supported by sales literature,

exhibitions and sales promotion. We should not forget sponsorship,

especially the sponsorship of many popular sports which in turn can be

supported by arena advertising at the sports venue.

Industrial advertising

9. Purpose

The purpose of industrial advertising is twofold:

(a) to promote sales of equipment and services used by industry—machinery,

tools, vehicles, specialist consultancy, finance and insurance come within

this category;

(b) to promote sales of raw materials, components and other items used in

industrial production—under this heading come metals, timber, plastics,

food ingredients, chemicals and parts for assembly into finished equipment

from watches to aircraft.

Hardly any of these products and services will be bought by consumers,

except as replacements as when a motor-car needs a new battery or tyres.

Unless the formula or specification is stated, consumers will be unaware of

most industrial products.

10. Media of industrial advertising

The suppliers of services, equipment, raw materials and components will

usually advertise in media seldom seen by the general or consumer public.

The media used will consist of trade and technical journals, technical

literature and catalogues, trade exhibitions, direct mail, and technical

demonstrations and seminars. Technical journals will have smaller

circulations than the consumer press, and exhibitions will tend to have

fewer exhibitors and smaller attendances than public exhibitions open to

the general public; in fact, admission is usually by ticket or business

card. The amount of money spent on advertising will be far less, and there

may be more reliance on market education using public relations techniques

such as video documentaries, external house journals and technical feature

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