The history of railways (История железных дорог)

system of signalling. Originally railways relied on the time interval to

ensure the safety of a succession of trains, but the defects rapidly

manifested themselves, and a space interval, or the block system, was

adopted, although it was not enforced legally on British passenger lines

until the

Regulation of Railways Act of 1889. Semaphore signals

became universally adopted on running lines and the interlocking оf points

[switches] and signals (usually accomplished mechanically by tappets) to

prevent conflicting movements being signalled was also а requirement of the

1889 Асt. Lock-and-block signalling, which ensured а safe sequence of

movements by electric checks, was introduced on the London, Chatham and

Dover Railway in 1875.

Track circuiting, by which the presence of а train is detected by an

electric current passing from one rail to another through the wheels and

axles, dates from 1870 when William Robinson applied it in the United

States. In England the Great Eastern Railway introduced power operation of

points and signals at Spitaifields goods yard in 1899, and three years

later track-circuit operation of powered signals was in operation on 30

miles (48 km) of the London and Sout Western Railway main line.

Day colour light signals, controlled automatically by the trains

through track circuits, were installed on the Liverpool Overhead Railway in

1920 and four-aspect day colour lights (red, yellow, double yellow and

green) were provided on Southern Railway routes from 1926 onwards. These

enable drivers of high-speed trains to have а warning two block sections

ahead of а possible need to stop. With track circuiting it became usual to

show the presence оf vehicles on а track diagram in the signal cabin which

allowed routes to be controlled remotely by means of electric relays.

Today, panel

operation of considerable stretches of railway is common-рlасе; at Rugby,

for instance, а signalman can control the points at а station 44 miles (71

km) away, and the signalbox at London Bridge controls movements on the

busiest 150 track-miles of British Rail. By the end of the I980s, the 1500

miles (241О km) of the Southern Region of British Rail are to be controlled

from 13 signalboxes. In modern panel installations the trains are not only

shown on the track diagram as they move from one section to another, but

the train identification number appears electronically in each section.

Соmputer-assisted train description, automatic train rеporting and, at

stations such as London Bridge, operation of platform indicators, is now


Whether points are operated manually or by an electric point motor,

they have to be prevented from moving while a train is passing over them

and facing points have to be locked, аnd рroved tо Ье lосkеd (оr 'detected'

) before thе relevant signal can permit а train movement. The blades of the

points have to be closed accurately (О.16 inch or 0.4 cm is the maximum

tolerance) so as to avert any possibility of а wheel flange splitting the

point and leading to а derailment.

Other signalling developments of recent years include completely

automatic operation of simple point layouts, such as the double crossover

at the Bank terminus of the British Rails's Waterloo and City underground

railway. On London Тransport's underground system а plastic roll operates

junctions according to the timetable by means of coded punched holes, and

on the Victoria Line trains are operated automatically once the driver has

pressed two buttons to indicate his readiness to start. Не also acts as the

guard, controlling the opening оf thе doors, closed circuit television

giving him а view along the train. The trains are controlled (for

acceleration and braking) by coded impulses transmitted through the running

rails to induction coils mounted on the front of the train. The absence of

code impulses cuts off the current and applies the brakes; driving and

speed control is covered by command spots in which а frequency of 100 Hz

corresponds to one mile per hour (1.6 km/h), and l5 kHz

shuts off the current. Brake applications are so controlled that trains

stop smoothly and with great accuracy at the desired place on platforms.

Occupation of the track circuit ahead by а train automatically stops the

following train, which cannot receive а code.

On Вritish main lines an automatic warning system is being installed by

which the driver receives in his саb а visual and audible warning of

passing а distant signal at caution; if he does not acknowledge the warning

the brakes are applied automatically. This is accomplished by magnetic

induction between а magnetic unit placed in the track and actuated

according to the signal aspect, and а unit on the train.

Train control

In England train control began in l909 on the Midland Railway,

particularly to expedite the movement оf coal trains and to see that guards

and enginemen were

relieved at the end of their shift and were not called upon to work

excessive overtime. Comprehensive train control systems, depending on

complete diagrams of the track layout and records of the position of

engines, crews and rolling stock, were developed for the whole of Britain,

the Southern Railway being the last to adopt it during World War 2, having

hitherto given а great deal of responsibility to signalmen for the

regulation of trains. Refinements оf control include advance traffic

information(ATI) in which information is passed from yard to yard by telex

giving types of wagon, wagon number, route code, particulars оf the load,


station and consignee. In l972 British Rail decided to

adopt а computerized freight information and traffic control system known

as TOPS (total operations processing system) which was developed over eight

years by the Southern Pacific company in the USA.

Although а great deal of rail 1rаffiс in Britain is handled by block

trains from point of origin to destination, about onefifth of the

originating tonnage is less than a train-load. This means that wagons must

be sorted on their journey. In Britain there are about 600 terminal points

on a 12,000 mile network whitch is served by over 2500 freight trains made

up of varying assortments of 249,000 wagons and 3972 locomotives, of witch

333 are electric. This requires the speed of calculation and the

information storage and classification capacity of the modern computer,

whitch has to be linked to points dealing with or generating traffic

troughout the system.The computer input, witch is by punched cards, covers

details of loading or unloading of wagons and their movements in trains,

the composition of trains and their departures from and arrivals at yards

,and the whereabouts of locomotives. The computer output includes

information on the balanse of locomotives at depots and yards, with

particulars of when maintenanse examinations are due, the numbers of

empty and loaded wagons, with aggregate weight and brake forse, and wheder

their movement is on time, the location of empty wagons and a forecast of

those that will become available, and the numbers of trains at any

location, with collective train weigts and individual details of the

component wagons.

A closer check on what is happening troughoud the

system is thus provided, with the position of consignments in transit,

delays in movement, delays in unloading wagons by customers, and the

capasity of the system to handle future traffic among the information

readily available. The computer has a built-in self-check on wrong input


Freight handling

The merry-go-round system enables coal for power

stations to be loaded into hopper wagons at a colliery

without the train being stopped, and at the power station the train is

hauled round a loop at less than 2mph (3.2 km/h), a trigger devise

automatically unloading the wagons without the train being stopped. The

arrangements also provide for automatic weighing of the loads. Other bulk

loads can be dealt with in the same way.

Bulk powders, including cement, can be loaded and discharged

pneumatically, using either rаi1 wagons or containers. Iron ore is carried

in 100 ton gross wagons (72 tons of payload) whose coupling gear is

designed to swivel, so that wagons can be turned upside down for discharge

without uncoupling from their train. Special vans take palletized loads of

miscellaneous merchandise or such products as fertilizer, the van doors

being designed so that all parts of the interior can be reached by а fork-

lift truck.

British railway companies began building their stocks of containers in

1927, and by 1950 they had the largest stock of large containers in Western

Europe. In 1962 British Rail decided to use International Standards

Organisation sizes, 8 ft (2,4 m) wide by 8 ft high and 1О, 20, 30 and 40 ft

(3.1, 6.1, 9.2 and 12.2 m) long. The 'Freightliner' service of container

trains uses 62.5 ft (19.1 m) flat wagons with air-operated disc brakes in

sets оf five and was inaugurated in 1965. At depots

'Drott' pneumatic-tyred cranes were at first provided but rail-mounted

Goliath cranes are now provided.

Cars are handled by double-tier wagons. The British car industry is а

big user of 'сomраnу' trains, which are operated for а single customer.

Both Ford and Chrysler use them to exchange parts between specialist

factories аnd the railway thus becomes an extension of factory transport.

Company trains frequent1у consist of wagons owned by the trader; there are

about 20,000 on British railways, the oil industry, for example, providing

most оf the tanks it needs to carry 21 million tons of petroleum products

by rail each year despite

competition from pipelines.

Gravel dredged from the shallow seas is another developing source of

rail traffic. It is moved in 76 ton lots by 100 ton gross hopper wagons and

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