Three-party politics

as they had capitalist governments they could not trust them with


The cleavage between old Labor and new was not absolute. Not all the trade

unionists were moderate men, and the moderates had turned against Lloyd

George after the war, even to the extent of promoting a general strike to

prevent intervention against Russia. All of them, thanks to Henderson, had

accepted a foreign policy which was almost indistinguishable from that of

the U.D.C.3 On the other hand, not all the I.L.P. members were extremists:

both MacDonald and Snowden, for example, were still I.L.P. nominees. The

new men understood the need for trade union money and appreciated that they

had been returned mainly by working-class votes. For, while Labor had now

some middle-class adherents at the top, it had few middle-class voters;

almost any middle-class man who joined the Labor party found himself a

parliamentary candidate in no time. Moreover, even the most assertive

socialists had little in the way of a coherent socialist policy. They

tended to think that social reform, if pushed hard enough, would turn into

socialism of itself, and therefore differed from the moderates only in

pushing harder. Most Labor M.P.s had considerable experience as shop

stewards or in local government, and they had changed things there simply

by administering the existing machine in a different spirit. The Red Flag

flew on the Clyde, in Poplar, in South Wales. Socialists expected that all

would be well when it flew also at Westminster.

Nevertheless, the advance of Labor and its new spirit raised an alarm of

'Bolshevism' particularly when two Communists now appeared in

parliament—both elected with the assistance of Labor votes.1 The alarm was

unfounded. The two M.P.s represented the peak of Communist achievement. The

Labor party repeatedly refused the application of the Communist party for

affiliation and gradually excluded individual Communists by a system more

elaborate than anything known since the repeal of the Test Acts.2 Certainly

there was throughout the Labor movement much interest in Soviet Russia, and

even some admiration. Russia was 'the workers' state'; she was building

socialism. The terror and dictatorship, though almost universally

condemned, were excused as having been forced on Russia by the Allied

intervention and the civil war. English socialists drew the consoling moral

that such ruthlessness would be unnecessary in a democratic country.

Democracy—the belief that the will of the majority should prevail—was in

their blood. They were confident that the majority would soon be on their

side. Evolution was now the universal pattern of thought: the idea that

things were on the move, and always upwards. Men assumed that the curve of

a graph could be proj ected indefinitely in the same direction: that

national wealth, for example, would go on increasing automatically or that

the birth rate, having fallen from 30 per thousand to 17 in thirty years,

would in the next thirty fall to 7 or even o. Similarly, since the Labor

vote had gone up steadily, it would continue to rise at the same rate. In

1923 Sidney Webb solemnly told the Labor annual conference that 'from the

rising curve of Labor votes it might be computed that the party would

obtain a clear majority . . . somewhere about 1926'.' Hence Labor had only

to wait, and the revolution would come of itself. Such, again according to

Webb, was 'the inevitability of gradualness'.


When parliament met, the Labor M.P.s elected Ramsay MacDonald as their

leader. The election was a close-run thing: a majority of five, according

to Clynes, the defeated candidate; of two, according to the later, perhaps

jaundiced, account by Philip Snowden. The Clydesiders voted solid for

MacDonald to their subsequent regret. The narrow majority was misleading:

it reflected mainly the jealousy of those who had sat in the previous

parliament against the newcomers. MacDonald was indeed the predestined

leader of Labor. He had largely created the party in its first years; he

had already led the party before the war; and Arthur Henderson had been

assiduously preparing his restoration.2 He had, in some undefined way, the

national stature which other Labor men lacked. He was maybe vain, moody,

solitary; yet, as Shinwell has said, in presence a prince among men. He was

the last beautiful speaker of the Gladstone school, with a ravishing voice

and turn of phrase. His rhetoric, though it defied analysis, exactly

reflected the emotions of the Labor movement, and he dominated that

movement as long as he led it.

There were practical gifts behind the cloud of phrases. He was a first-

rate chairman of the cabinet, a skilful and successful negotiator, and he

had a unique grasp of foreign affairs, as Lord Eustace Percy, by no means a

sympathetic judge, recognized as late as 1935.3 With all his faults, he was

the greatest leader Labor has had, and his name would stand high if he had

not outlived his abilities. MacDonald's election in 1922 was a portent in

another way. The Labor M.P.s were no longer electing merely their chairman

for the coming session. They were electing the leader of a national party

and, implicitly therefore, a future prime minister. The party never changed

its leader again from session to session as it had done even between 1918

and 1922. Henceforth the leader was re-elected each year until old age or a

major upheaval over policy ended his tenure.

Ramsay MacDonald set his stamp on the inter-war years. He did not have to

wait long to be joined by the man who set a stamp along with him: Stanley

Baldwin. Law doubted his own physical capacity when he took office and did

not intend to remain more than a few months. It seemed obvious at first who

would succeed him: Marquis Gurzon,1 foreign secretary, former viceroy of

India, and sole survivor in office (apart from Law) of the great war

cabinet. Moreover, in the brief period of Law's premiership, Curzon

enhanced his reputation. Baldwin, the only possible rival, injured what

reputation he had. Curzon went off to make peace with the Turks at the

conference of Lausanne. He fought a lone battle, almost without resources

and quite without backing from home, in the style of Castle-reagh; and he

carried the day. Though the Turks recovered Constantinople and eastern

Thrace, the zone of the Straits remained neutralized, and the Straits were

to be open to warships in time of peace—a reversal of traditional British

policy and an implied threat to Soviet Russia, though one never operated.

Moreover, the Turks were bewitched by Curzon's seeming moderation and laid

aside the resentment which Lloyd George had provoked. More important still,

Curzon carried off the rich oil wells of Mosul, to the great profit of

British oil companies and of Mr. Calouste Gulbenkian, who drew therefrom

his fabulous 5 per cent.


Baldwin, also in search of tranquillity, went off to Washington to settle

Great Britain's debt to the United States. Law held firmly to the principle

of the Balfour note that Great Britain should pay her debt only to the

extent that she received what was owed to her by others. Anything else, he

believed, 'would reduce the standard of living in this country for a

generation'. Baldwin was instructed to settle only on this basis. In

Washington he lost his nerve, perhaps pushed into surrender by his

companion, Montagu Norman, governor of the bank of England, who had an

incurable zest for financial orthodoxy. Without securing the permission of

the cabinet, Baldwin agreed to an unconditional settlement on harsh terms2

and, to make matters worse, announced the terms publicly on his return. Law

wished to reject the settlement: 'I should be the most cursed Prime

Minister that ever held office in England if I accepted those terms.' His

opposition was sustained by the two independent experts whom he consulted,

McKenna and Keynes. The cabinet, however, was for acceptance. Law found

himself alone. He wished to resign and was persuaded to stay on by the

pleas of his colleagues. He satisfied his conscience by publishing an

anonymous attack on the policy of his own government in the columns of The


As things worked out, Great Britain was not ruined by the settlement of

the American debt, though it was no doubt irksome that France and Italy

later settled their debt on easier terms. Throughout the twenties the

British collected a balancing amount from their own debtors and in

reparations. The real harm lay elsewhere. While the settlement perhaps

improved relations with the United States, it compelled the British to

collect their own debts and therefore to insist on the payment of

reparations by Germany both to others and to themselves. This was already

clear in 1923. Poincare, now French premier, attempted to enforce the

payment of reparations by occupying the Ruhr. The Germans took up passive

resistance, the mark tumbled to nothing, the finances of central Europe

were again in chaos. The British government protested and acquiesced.

French troops were allowed to pass through the British zone of occupation

in the Rhineland. While the British condemned Poincare's method, they could

no longer dispute his aim: they were tied to the French claim at the same

time as they opposed it.

The debt settlement might have been expected to turn Law against Baldwin.

There were powerful factors on the other side. Law knew that Curzon was

unpopular in the Conservative party—disliked both for his pompous arrogance

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