
|W.C. next to it. I |in different games such|end. The dancers |

|don’t want standard |as pioneer-ball |received call after |

|lamps so I’ve arranged |basketball volleyball. |call. They were |

|for indirect lighting. |Of all outdoor & indoor|presented with large |

|The cables will be |games I prefer |bouquets of flowers. We|

|built into the wall. |basketball tennis |also applauded |

|There will be also |hockey, but I’m also |enthusiastically. The |

|several power points at|interested in other |performance was a |

|the lower parts of the |sports. |success. |

|walls for appliances. | | |

|England. Gr. Britain is|Arts. Art is a part of |Hobbies. Almost all of |

|one of the most |culture. There are 3 |us have free time, but |

|beautiful countries in |kinds of art: visual |some people don’t. They|

|the world. Many |including painting, |are so busy that they |

|tourists come over |sculpture & |can’t let relax |

|especially look at the |arhitecture, |themselves. & that is |

|pictures landscape. |audio-visual including |the problem. On the |

|Highlands turn into |theatre, opera, cinema |contrary some people |

|lowlands. Forests & |& audible, which |have a lot of free time|

|hills turn into meadows|consists of music & |& they don’t know how |

|& plains very quickly. |literature. But we |to spend it. Also there|

|There are many deep |don’t know, which of |is a problem of choose |

|valleys rivers & |the arts is the oldest.|: where to go & what to|

|waterfalls, hills & |We know that cave men |do. How do young people|

|mountains. England |drew on the walls of |spend their free time. |

|occupies the largest |their caves. They |Most prefer going to |

|part of the island of |carved handles of & |the clubs & cafes. A |

|Gr. Br. The north & the|bone knives into the |lot of people devote |

|west of England are |figures of animals. We |their free time to |

|mountainous, but all |know that Egyptians & |hobbies. A hobby is |

|the rest of the |Babylonians planned & |smth. , to which a |

|territory is a vast |built wonderful |person chooses to give |

|plain. The chief rivers|buildings many yeas |time & energy & which |

|of England are the |ago. They decorated |he is interesting in. |

|Severn & the Thames. |their clothes & |Hobbies differ like |

|The Thames flows |pottery. What people |tastes. If you have |

|through L. & makes it a|find around them has a |chosen a hobby |

|large seaport. There |great deal to do with |according to your |

|are many ports in |how they try to bring |character & taste you |

|England including |beauty into their |are lucky because your |

|Bristol Liverpool L. |houses & lives. North |life becomes more |

|England is famous for |people carve beautiful |interesting. H. are |

|its cities for example,|figures out of the |divided into 4 large |

|Starford upon-Avon & |ivory & from walrus |groups: doing things, |

|Oxford. Starford |tusks. But they don’t |making things, |

|upon-Avon is the |plan & built big & |collecting things & |

|birthplace of great W. |wonderful buildings. In|learning things. The |

|Shakespeare. Oxford is |the same time the |most popular of all |

|famous for its |Indians of the American|hobby groups is doing |

|university. In the |southwest make silver |things. It includes a |

|northwest of E. there |jewelry set with |wide variety of |

|are many beautiful |turquoise. All art’s |activities everything |

|lakes called Lake |works are alike in one |from gardening to |

|District. The Southwest|way. They all have some|traveling. Making |

|is a highly populated |kind of design. Artist |things includes |

|region of E. London is |in his work often |drawing, painting, |

|a capital of Gr. Br. & |express some |making sculpture, |

|such historical cities |deep-feelings. It can |handicrafts. Almost |

|as Windom, Dover & |be sorrow fear joy. It |everyone collects |

|Brighton are situated |may a love of country |something at some |

|here. |or nature. It may be a |period in his life. |

|The southwest is the |feeling of calm & |Some collections have |

|region where the main |excitement, too. The |no real value. Others |

|activity is farming. |work of art should give|become some so large & |

|Although, there are |the person who sees or |sovaluable that they |

|some very big farms. |listens it the same |are housed in museums &|

|Most of them are small |feelings. As for me my |galleries. No matter |

|family farms. The s-w. |favorite kind of art is|what kind of hobby a |

|used to be known for |painting. A revival of |person has he always |

|its pirates. The |art began in Italy & |has the opportunity of |

|romantic past makes it |spread to other |learning from it. By |

|a popular place for |countries. During the |reading about the |

|artists, writers & |Renaisance there were |things he is |

|holidaymakers. Bristol |more great artists than|interesting in he is |

|& Bath are 2 principal |the world had never had|adding to what he |

|cities of the region. |before. The painters of|knows. Learning things |

|The most westerly point|Ren-ce tried to make |can be the most exiting|

|of Gr. Br. Lands End is|things look real. Some |aspect of a hobby. To |

|also in the S-w. East |were noted for |my mind pastime should |

|Anglia is very flat & |beautiful line, some |be spend usefully. It |

|it is another farming |for form, some for |can help us to be |

|region. It has |perspective. The |useful for the good of |

|beautiful cities with |painters of Kenice |our motherland & the |

|fine historic buildings|became noted for their |people, to understand |

|such as Cambridge. The |brilliant colors. Some |life better, to have |

|north of E. has some of|artists have painted in|good health. As for me |

|the wildest & loneliest|fresco & tempera. Some |my free time depends on|

|parts of the busiest |have used water-colors |the aim of live the |

|industrial cities. This|or oils. Painters have |outlook of look, |

|part of the country is |worked out many ways of|spirital interests, |

|rich in coal, which is |painting. |attitude to nature & |

|important for the | |bringing up. That’s why|

|region’s industry. | |my spare time is time |

| | |to train for a future |

| | |occupation to take up a|

| | |hobby to take a rest to|

| | |go on a picnic. |

|Russia. R. Is our |My close friend. |FamilyRelations. The |

|motherland. It is one |Acording to Oxford |family trdition is lost|

|of the largest |dictionary the word |for a lot of people. & |

|countries in the world.|friendship means the |it is one of the |

|It’s area is about 17 |relationship between 2 |reasons why most of |

|mln. sq. kms. More than|or more people. I |people have no sence of|

|150 million people of |should say this |family honour & pride. |

|different nationalities|relationship is based |A group of people who |

|live in R.In |on natural respect, |have the same name & |

|thewestR.bordersonFinla|common interests & |sit together in front |

|nd, Ukrain, Byelarus, |tastes, common hobbies.|of a TV set is not yet |

|Moldova & Baltic |A friend is a person |a family. Every year |

|states. In the south it|with whom you may be |more then 1 mln. |

|borders on Kazakhstan, |sencire before him you |Families break up. Many|

|Mongolia, China & the |can think aloud. I’ve |young families have |

|Korean people republic.|got a friend too. Her |material difficulties. |

|The Artic ocean & the |name is Ann. We got |As a result young |

|Baltic sea wash the |acquanted 5 years ago &|couples often have to |

|country in the north, |since there we have |rely on the assistance |

|in the east it is |never parted. Ann looks|of their parents. The |

|washed by the Pacific |ayyractive ican say |housing shortage is |

|ocean. The Urals divide|that she is charming. |another problem of many|

|R. into the European & |She has slender neck & |young families. Most |

|Asian sections. The |holds her head high. |young people don’t wish|

|Asian section includes |This girl wears her |to live together with |

|Siberia & the Far East.|flaxen hear short, Her |their parents after |

|The Volga is the |face is angular |they got married but |

|largest R-an river, |delicate features. Her |about half of them have|

|which flows in the |nose is snub & her lips|to do this. As a result|

|European part of the |are full & well-cut. |these young people have|

|country. The longest |She has striking big |no necessary experience|

|river in the Asian part|blue eyes. We are of |in family life. They |

|is the Lena. The |the same ages & have |don’t know: how to run |

|deepest lake in Asia & |much in common. We have|a household, how to |

|in Europe is lake |common interests, |manage the family |

|Baikal. It is the |common points of views,|budget, how to bring up|

|largest fresh water |common hobbies & tastes|children. The revival |

|lake in the world. The |but we are different in|of the family should |

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