Intercultural business communication

people from other cultures is to become aware of what culture means. Our

awareness of intercultural differences is both useful and necessary in

today's world of business.


Person may not realise it, but he belongs to several cultures. The most

obvious is the culture he shares with all other people who live in the same

country. But this person also belongs to other cultural groups, such as an

ethnic group, a religious group, a fraternity or sorority, or perhaps a

profession that has its own special language and customs.

So what exactly is culture? It is useful to define culture as a system of

shared symbols, beliefs, attitudes, values, expectations, and norms for

behaviour. Thus all members of a culture have, and tend to act on, similar

assumptions about how people should think, behave, and communicate.

Distinct groups that exist within a major culture are more properly

referred to as subcultures. Among groups that might be considered

subcultures are Mexican Americans in East Los Angeles, Mormons in Salt Lake

City, and longshoremen in Montreal. Subcultures without geographic

boundaries can be found as well, such as wrestling fans, Russian

immigrants, and Harvard M.B.A.s .

Cultures and subcultures vary in several ways that affect intercultural


• Stability. Conditions in the culture may be stable or may be changing

slowly or rapidly.

• Complexity. Cultures vary in the accessibility of information. In North

America information is contained in explicit codes, including words,

whereas in Japan a great deal of information is conveyed implicitly,

through body language, physical context, and the like.

• Composition. Some cultures are made up of many diverse and disparate

subcultures; others tend to be more homogeneous.

• Acceptance. Cultures vary in their attitudes toward outsiders. Some are

openly hostile or maintain a detached aloofness. Others are friendly and co-

operative toward strangers.

As you can see, cultures vary widely. It's no wonder that most of us need

special training before we can become comfortable with a culture other than

our own.


When faced with the need (or desire) to learn about another culture, we

have two main approaches to choose from. The first is to learn as much as

possible—the language, cultural background and history, social rules, and

so on—about the specific culture that you expect to deal with. The other is

to develop general skills that will help to adapt in any culture.

The first approach, in-depth knowledge of a particular culture, certainly

works. But there are two drawbacks. One is that you will never be able to

understand another culture completely. No matter how much you study German

culture, for example, you will never be a German or share the experiences

of having grown up in Germany. Even if we could understand the culture

completely, Germans might resent our assumption that we know everything

there is to know about them. The other drawback to immersing yourself in a

specific culture is the trap of overgeneralization, looking at people from

a culture not as individuals with their own unique characteristics, but as

instances of Germans or Japanese or black Americans. The trick is to learn

useful general information but to be open to variations and individual


The second approach to cultural learning, general development of

intercultural skills, is especially useful if we interact with people from

a variety of cultures or subcultures. Among the skills you need to learn

are the following:

• Taking responsibility for communication. Don't assume that it is the

other person's job to communicate with you.

• Withholding judgment. Learn to listen to the whole story and to accept

differences in others.

• Showing respect. Learn the ways in which respect is communicated—

through gestures, eye contact, and so on — in various cultures.

• Empathizing. Try to put yourself in the other person's shoes. Listen

carefully to what the other person is trying to communicate; imagine the

person's feelings and point of view.

• Tolerating ambiguity. Learn to control your frustration when placed in

an unfamiliar or confusing situation.

• Looking beyond the superficial. Don't be distracted by such things as

dress, appearance, or environmental discomforts.

• Being patient and persistent. If you want to accomplish a task, don't

give up easily.

• Recognizing your own cultural biases. Learn to identify when your

assumptions are different from the other person's.

• Being flexible. Be prepared to change your habits, preferences, and


• Emphasizing common ground. Look for similarities to work from.

• Sending clear messages. Make your verbal and non-verbal messages


• Taking risks. Try things that will help you gain a better understanding

of the other person or culture.

• Increasing your cultural sensitivity. Learn about variations in customs

and practices so that you will be more aware of potential areas for

miscommunication or misunderstanding.

• Dealing with the individual. Avoid stereotyping and overgeneralization.


The more differences there are between the people who are communicating,

the more difficult it is to communicate effectively. The major problems in

inter-cultural business communication are language barriers, cultural

differences, and ethnocentric reactions.


If we're doing business in London, we obviously won't have much of a

language problem. We may encounter a few unusual terms or accents in the 29

countries in which English is an official language, but our problems will

be relatively minor. Language barriers will also be relatively minor when

we are dealing with people who use English as a second language (and some

650 million people fall into this category). Some of these millions are

extremely fluent; others have only an elementary command of English.

Although you may miss a few subtleties in dealing with those who are less

fluent in English, we’ll still be able to communicate. The pitfall to watch

for is assuming that the other person understands everything we say, even

slang, local idioms, and accents. One group of English-speaking Japanese

who moved to the United States as employees of Toyota had to enroll in a

special course to learn that "Jeat yet?" means "Did you eat yet?" and that

"Cannahepya?" means "Can I help you?"

The real problem with language arises when we are dealing with people who

speak virtually no English. In situations like this, we have very few

options: We can learn their language, we can use an intermediary or a

translator, or we can teach them our language. Becoming fluent in a new

language (which we must do to conduct business in that language) is time

consuming. The U.S. State Department, for example, gives its Foreign

Service officers a six-month language training program and expects them to

continue their language education at their foreign posts. Even the Berlitz

method, which is famous for the speed of its results, requires a month of

intensive effort — 13 hours a day, 5 days a week. It is estimated that

minimum proficiency in another language requires at least 240 hours of

study over 8 weeks; more complex languages, such as Arabic and Chinese,

require more than 480 hours. Language courses can be quite expensive as

well. Unless we are planning to spend several years abroad or to make

frequent trips over an extended period, learning another language may take

more time, effort, and money than we're able to spend.

A more practical approach may be to use an intermediary or a translator.

For example, if our company has a foreign subsidiary, we can delegate the

communication job to local nationals who are bilingual. Or we can hire

bilingual advertising consultants, distributors, lobbyists, lawyers,

translators, and other professionals to help us. Even though Vons operates

within the United States, management hires bilingual personnel to help its

Hispanic customers feel more comfortable.

The option of teaching other people to speak our language doesn't appear

to be very practical at first glance; however, many multinational companies

do, in fact, have language training programs for their foreign employees.

Tenneco, for example, instituted an English-language training program for

its Spanish-speaking employees in a New Jersey plant. The classes

concentrated on practical English for use on the job. According to the

company, these classes were a success: Accidents and grievances declined,

and productivity improved.

In general, the magnitude of the language barrier depends on whether you

are writing or speaking. Written communication is generally easier to


Barriers to written communication

One survey of 100 companies engaged in international business revealed

that between 95 and 99 percent of their business letters to other countries

are written in English. Moreover, 59 percent of the respondents reported

that the foreign letters they receive are usually written in English,

although they also receive letters written in Spanish and French. Other

languages are rare in international business correspondence.

Because many international business letters are written in English,

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