(B) healthful (C) peaceful (D) morose (E) rancorous
( Answers
This question type is heavily based on vocabulary. The better your
vocabulary, the better you will do. But there are a few tricks you can try
to use. For example, if a choice doesn’t have a clear opposite, it can’t be
the correct answer. Such words as “hinterland” or “automobile” don’t have
very clear opposites and would be incorrect if you were to see them as
answer choices. In this case, answer choice (A) does not have a clear
opposite and can be eliminated even if you don’t know what “cede” means.
Also, if it’s a tough question and the keyword is really hard,
remember to stay away from choices that are too good to be true. The hard
questions, which are the last few questions of each question type, often
contain choices that are misleading or tricky. For instance, the word
“cede” will remind many people of “succeed,” so they’ll pick (B). But the
test maker will never reward students for making mistakes. (B) can’t be
correct. By the same logic, you could probably eliminate (C) and (D)
because “cede” will remind some people of “recede,” as in “receding tide.”
That leaves you with choice (E) as the right answer. “Cede” actually means
to yield or surrender, which is in fact the opposite of “retain.”
( Note: You will seldom, if ever, be able to eliminate all four
wrong answers to an antonym question just by using these kinds of guessing
strategies. They can help you eliminate a few choices and increase your
guessing odds, but the best way to tackle antonyms is to know what kinds of
words tend to show up on the GRE, make flashcards of them, and improve your
1. C
Cede is to give up one’s rights or possessions. The most opposite phrase in
meaning is to get ahead of.
2. E
Something that is ACRID is sharp and biting to taste or smell. The
word most opposite in meaning is sweet.
3. B
NOISOME can mean harmful or injurious. The best opposite to this is
therefore healthful.
| | |Score |
|FACETS |Handout | |
| |Prefix: | |
|1. What is the prefix that gives the |a) -im b) il- c) in- | |
|opposite meaning of “happy”? |d) ir- e) un- | |
|Write the word | | |
|here:....................................| | |
|................ |2. a) im- b) un- c) | |
|2. What prefix makes the word “possible” |ir- d) il- e) dis- | |
|into something you cannot do? | | |
|Write the word | | |
|here:....................................|3. a) dis- b) im- c) | |
|............... |un- d) ir- e) il- | |
|3. Which prefix creates the antonym for | | |
|“practical”? | | |
|Write the word |4. a) im- b) il- c) | |
|here:....................................|un- d) dis- e) ir- | |
|............... | | |
|4. Choose the prefix that creates the | | |
|antonym for “satisfied”. |5. a) dis- b) ir- c) | |
|Write the word |un- d) im- e) un- | |
|here:....................................| | |
|............... | | |
|5. The prefix that creates the opposite |6. a) ir- b) il- c) | |
|of the word “patient” is... |un- d) dis- e) in- | |
|Write the word | | |
|here:....................................|7. a) dis- b) un- c) | |
|.............. |in- d) im- e) il- | |
|6. What word means the opposite of | | |
|“human”? | | |
|Write the word |8. a) un- b) dis- c) | |
|here:....................................|ir- d) im- e) il- | |
|.............. | | |
|7. And the prefix that creates the |9. a) un- b) ir- c) | |
|antonym for “imaginative” is? |dis- d) im- e) in- | |
|Write the word | | |
|here:....................................|10 a) un- b) dis- c) | |
|.............. |in- d) im- e) ir- | |
|8. What is the antonym of the word | | |
|“legal”? | | |
|Write the word | | |
|here:....................................| | |
|.............. | | |
|9. What is the antonym of “regular”? | | |
|Write the word | | |
|here:....................................| | |
|.............. | | |
|10. The opposite of “responsible” is: | | |
|Write the word | | |
|here:....................................| | |
|.............. | | |
Purpose: To review vocabulary. Sometimes, new words can be added to
the set, as long as the number of new words s small and not disruptive. A
second purpose, if the game is played as a team activity, is to stimulate
conversation among the team members—“I think 7 matches 23.” “Do you
remember where ____ is?” Finally, the game, like all the card games, is fun
and contributes to group building.
Targeted Skill: vocabulary development
Preparation: Choose a category, e.g. antonyms. Write a word on each of
15 cards and the matching antonym on another 15 cards. Shuffle the cards
well and then turn the over and number them from 1 to 30 on the back.
Because the purpose of this game is to review something that has been
taught rather than teach something new, go over the pairs before the game
begins to be sure everybody knows what the 15 pairs are.
( Procedure:
1. Lay the cards out face down with the numbers showing.
2. Taking turns, the students call out 2 numbers. Turn over the called
cards. If the cards don’t match (chances are they won’t for the first
few turns), the cards are turned back over.
3. When a student makes a match, the matched areas are removed from the
lay-out and that student gets another turn, continuing until the cards
picked don’t match.
4. When all the cards have been matched, the student with the largest pile
1. The game can be played as a team activity. One person from each team is
the spokesperson for the team’s collective effort to remember
locations. Students can take turns being the spokesperson.
2. When a match is made, the player can be required to use the two card
words in a sentence. If the player can’t do this, the cards are retuned
to the layout, and the next player gets he opportunity to match and use
the two words.
1. adjective synonyms (big-large; next-following; skeptical-doubtful);
2. antonyms (warm-cool; light-heavy);
3. two-word verbs: separable (find out - discover);
4. two-word verbs; inseparable (come back - return);
5. prefixes (un - believable);
6. idioms (by the way - incidentally);
7. proverbs (Time - heals all things.).
The following activity develops the children’s understanding of the
meanings of the above two terms, while increasing their range of
1) Begin by explaining the two terms, giving examples to illustrate the
2) Have a list of words which have lots of synonyms / antonyms. Some are
listed here:
|strong |big |happy |short |soft |fast |easy |
|fat |nice |new |good |quiet |bright |warm |
3) Split the class into an even number of groups. Label half of the groups
“Synonym” and half of the groups “Antonym”.
4) Say one of the words on your word list. Each group then has to think of
as many synonyms and antonyms for that word as possible (depending on the
group’s label given earlier). The children can have a fixed time limit to
do this, or can continue until they run out of words.
5) Now count up the number of words each group has produced and award
points to the group with the longest list.
6) Repeat using different words. You could also swap the groups, so the
“Synonyms” groups now find antonyms and vice versa.
7) This would also be a useful exercise in using a thesaurus, so if there
were enough for one per group, the children could use these to add to their
own lists.
Antonyms: Students fold a piece of construction paper in half. They
look through the newspaper to find and cut out words or pictures that are
antonyms. They write or paste the antonym words or pictures on opposite
sides of the construction paper[3].
Please check to see if the question is asking for an antonym or synony
|1|Give the antonym for ‘forward’ (1 pt) |
|.| |
| |[pic][A] advance |
| |[pic][B] ahead |
| |[pic][C] backwards |
| |[pic][D] behind |
|2|Are the following antonyms or synonyms? (FEARLESS/BRAVE) (1 pt) |
|.| |
| | |
| |[pic][A] Synonyms |
| |[pic][B] Antonyms |
|3|What is the antonym of ‘no’ ? (1 pt) |
|.| |
| |[pic][A] yes |
| |[pic][B] forget |
| |[pic][C] eat |
| |[pic][D] know |
|4|True or False: An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of |
|.|another word. (1 pt) |
| | |
| |[pic][A] True |
| |[pic][B] False |
The process of teaching a foreign language is a complex one: as with
many other subjects, it has necessarily to be broken down into components
for purposes of study: the teaching acts of (1) presenting and explaining
new material; (2) providing practice; and (3) testing.
In principle, the teaching processes of presenting, practicing and
testing correspond to strategies used by many good learners trying to
acquire a foreign language on their own. They make sure they perceive and
understand new language; they make conscious efforts to learn it through;
and they check themselves.
In the class, it is teacher’s job to promote these three learning
processes by the use of appropriate teaching acts. Thus, he or she:
presents and explains new material in order to make it clear,
comprehensible and available for learning; gives practice to consolidate
knowledge; and tests, in order to check what has been mastered and still
needs to be learned and reviewed.
These acts may not occur in this order, and may sometimes be combined
within one activity; nevertheless good teachers are aware which is their
main object at any point in a lesson.
In modern teaching materials now in use the words pupils are to learn
pass through the following stages:
1. Pupils listen to the words in sentences arranged in a structural group.
2. They learn the meaning of the words in various contexts.
3. Pupils learn the forms of the words.
4. They perform various exercises with the words in phrases and structures
to assimilate the usage of the words.
5. Pupils use the words in speaking in various situations.
The rules, techniques, methods and structures mentioned in this paper
are available for teaching any unit of vocabulary and antonyms as well.
Following these learning processes you will achieve a step and will be
successful in teaching antonyms and vocabulary in the whole.
1. Общая методика обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе. М., 1967.
2. Методика преподавания иностранных языков за рубежом. Сост. М. М.
Васильева и Е. В. Синявская. М., Прогресс, 1967.
3. Старков А.. П. Обучение иностранному языку в средней школе. М.,
Просвещение, 1978.
4. Программа по иностранному языку для средней школы. М., Просвещение,
5. Хэкболдт П. Изучение иностранных языков. М., Просвещение, 1963.
6. Костиникова О. А.. Basic English Lexicology. Сочи, 2000.
7. Flower J. Berman M. Build your vocabulary 2. LTP, London, 1998.
8. Ur P. A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory. Cambridge
University, 1997.
9. The All Nations Dictionary (International Phonetic Alphabet). All
Nations Literature, Colorado Springs, 1992.
[1] See: Общая методика обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе. М.,
[2] LINGUIST List 6.86 p.-32/1995/ Dr. Alex Eulenberg USA Department of
Speech, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
[3] This idea contributed by Mrs. Amada Pйrez