Сохранение национальной окраски при переводе художественных произведений

Here the English word Michaelmas means 29 September the feast of St.

Michael and corresponds to “михайлов день” in Russian with only one

difference that “михайлов день” is celebrated later in Russia because

of difference in the calendars. It is possible to say that the

national coloring is preserved because in English and Russian text

there was not said the date but the name of the feast.

2. The ladies were somewhat more fortunate, for they had the

advantage of ascertaining from an upper window, that

he wore a blue coat and rode a black horse.

Дамы были несколько удачливей его: им посчастливилось увидеть

из верхнего окна, что на нём был синий сюртук и что он приехал на

вороной лошади.

Here the English word coat means outer garment with sleeves, buttoned

in the front and corresponds to the Russian word сюртук that is also

outer garment with sleeves, buttoned in the front and in Russian it

has long laps. It is possible for the Russian reader to imagine what

kind of garment Mr. Bingley wore.

3. Sir William Lucas had been formerly in trade in Meryton, where he had

made a tolerable fortune and risen to the honor of knighthood by an

address to the King , during his mayoralty.

Сэр Уильям Лукас ранее занимался торговлей в Меритоне, где

приобрёл некоторое состояние, а также титул баронета, благодаря

специальному обращению к королю, когда он был мэром там.

Here the English word mayoralty preserved its meaning and even

form in the Russian translation. In the Russian language the word мэр

does not exist that is why the translator used this word. But the

author of this course paper considers that the Russian word мэр should

be explained in Russian translation because only a few people of 19-th

century could know the exact meaning of the word мэр.

4. I flatter myself that my present overtures of good will are


Commendable, and that the circumstance of my being next in the

entail of Longborn estate, will be kindly overlooked on your side, and

not lead you to reject the offered olive branch.

По этой причине я льщу себя надеждой, что вы благожелательно

отнесётесь к моему настоящему изъявлению доброй воли и не отвергнете

протянутую мной оливковую ветвь.

Here the phrase olive branch in English corresponds to Russian phrase

оливковая ветвь because in both languages this phrase means the symbol

of peace.

5. ‘Pray, my dear aunt, what is the difference in matrimonial

affairs, between the mercenary and the prudent motive?’

- Но, тётя, разве можно в матримониальных делах найти точную грань между

расчётливостью и благоразумием?

Here the English phrase matrimonial affairs fully correspond to the

Russian phrase матримониальные дела because the word matrimonial has

Latin origin. Therefore it is possible to say about preservation of

coloring in spite of its Latin origin.

6. It was two ladies stopping in a low phaeton at the garden


Они увидели двух дам, сидевших в низеньком фаэтоне, который

остановился у садовой калитки.

Here the English word phaeton corresponds to the Russian word фаэтон in

the meaning and form as well. In English and Russian phaeton means a

vessel for noble people.

Now the author of this course paper would like to analyze the non-

preservation of national coloring.

1. Sir William Lucas had been formerly in trade in Meryton, where

he had made a tolerable fortune and risen to the honor of knighthood

by an address to the King , during his mayoralty.

Сэр Уильям Лукас ранее занимался торговлей в Меритоне, где

приобрёл некоторое состояние, а также титул баронета, благодаря

специальному обращению к королю.

Here the honor of knighthood was translated into Russian as титул

баронета. The translator managed to reveal for Russian reader what the

honor of knighthood meant but the national coloring of the phrase was


2. ‘Yes; these four evenings have enabled them to ascertain that

they both like Ving-un better than Commerce.

-Да, эти четыре вечера позволили им установить, что оба они игру в

«двадцать одно» предпочитают игре в покер.

3. Then, turning to Mr Bennet, he offered himself as his antagonist at


И, повернувшись к мистеру Беннету, он предложил ему сыграть партию в


Here the national coloring of English games does not

preserved because in the Russian translation they are only

substituted for their Russian equivalents.

4. About a month ago I received this letter.

Около месяца назад я получил вот эту эпистолу.

Here the English word letter has not national coloring but in

the Russian translation it has historical coloring that is used

to convey the formality of this letter.

Now the author of this course paper would like to analyze the preservation

of national coloring of Russian book by Anton Chechov translated into

English. Here two of his stories Chameleon and Yonich are analyzed.

The author of this course paper took some examples to show where the

national coloring is preserved and where it is not preserved. At first you

will see the examples where the national coloring is preserved.

1. Очумелов пересёк базарную площадь.

Ochumelov crossed the market-place.

2. В этом человеке он узнал Хрюкина.

He recognized in this individual Khryukin.

Here the Russian surnames Ochumelov and Khryukin preserved their

national coloring owing to footnotes in the English translation.

3. Доктор Старцев был назначен земским врачом.

Doctor Startsev was appointed Zemstvo medical officer.

Here the Russian word земский врач preserved its national coloring

but the author of this course paper thinks that the translator should

add a footnote with the explanation of this word.

4. Зато он охотно играл в винт.

But he played vint.

Here the national Russian game preserved its national coloring in the


Now the author of this course paper analyses the non-preservation of

national coloring.

1. За ним шагает городовой с решетом.

After him constable carried a sieve.

Here the Russian rank городовой does not preserve its national

coloring in the English translation because городовой is lower rank

in the city police in tsarist Russia and English constable is only a


2. Я ему покажу Кузькину мать!

I’ll show him what’s what!

Here the non-preservation of Russian coloring is clearly seen. The

phrase показать Кузькину мать is very often used in the Russian

language even now.

3. Сердиться, шельма…

The little rascal’s angry.

Here the Russian word шельма is translated as little rascal. Шельма

in Russian means rascal but in English even using word little the

coloring is not completely conveyed because here Chekhov uses this

word to show Ochumelov’s tenderness towards this dog and he does not

offence it.

4. Он цигаркой ей в харю…

He burned the end of his nose with lifted cigarette.

Here the Russian word цигарка is translated into English as lifted

cigarette. Yes, цигарка is lifted cigarette but in the English

translation the Russian historical and national coloring of this word

is lost because now, for example, the word цигарка is not used any

more but it is quite understandable for Russoan reader.

5. Цуцик этакий!

What a pup!

Pup in English is only a small little dog but in Russian цуцик

besides these meaning also has a meaning of a person who feels cold

and is affreid. So it is clearly seen that the national coloring was

not preserved.

6. В губернском городе.

In a town.

Here is clearly seen the absence of the word губернский so the

national coloring is not preserved and the author of this course

paper thinks that the translator should explain the meaning of the


7. С полверсты он прошёл пешком.

The last part he went on foot.

Here the Russian measure of length верста is not translated at

all. The author of this course paper thinks that the translator

should use this word in the English translation and give its meaning

in the footnote.

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