very close bonds with and depend upon a close network of friends, family
and familiar faces — people they know they can trust. Government, banks, &
bureaucracies are not trusted or depended upon. Friends, however, can trust
each other and depend upon one other.
3. Again, many Russians belong to close-knit groups of family &
friends. Within these groups, there is great trust and a strong sense of
closeness — however strangers and outsiders are not immediately trusted and
are kept at a greater social and emotional distance.
4. Russian culture, more than many others, emphasizes clear
cultural norms, rules and scripts (what people should say). Many Russians
expect others to conform to these social or cultural rules and freely
correct those who "stray." They may feel that they are being helpful and
saving others from future trouble or embarrassment
5. Russians may believe that planning for the future and living for
tomorrow is sinful and contradicts Christian teachings. One Russian student
quoted the Bible as proof that this belief is sacred: "Now listen to me,
you that say, 'today or tomorrow we will travel to a certain city, where we
will stay a year and go into business and make a lot of money.' You don't
even know what your life tomorrow will be! You are like a puff of smoke,
which appears for a moment and then disappears." Making the most of each
day, living 'it to the fullest, and facing only the hardships of the
current day are valued.
Many Russians appear to prefer a consensus on truth to a plurality of
opinions or truths. Some writers trace this preference to the early Russian
Empire - when Russia was "ruled by an autocratic dynasty with a holy
mission to defend its faith against the barbarians of the East and the
heresies and pluralism of the West" "The pluralism of the West was seen by
Russia as chaotic, without harmony, a disunity or thought and purpose."
Historically, Russia has held to a vision of a single, unifying truth — the
truth as told by the Communist party and Communist ideology; or a Russian
Orthodox vision of an absolute truth with no room for conflicting opinions.
Russian Orthodoxy, according to one writer, was envisioned as "a fellowship
uniting all souls under a single and correct religious rite" actively
agreed upon and shared by all. The faithful were envisioned as members of
one big family - just as the 15 Soviet republics were envisioned as
7. It is a general Russian cultural belief that people cannot
necessarily or easily change things or influence events. The goal is to be
patient & persevere. Some writers say this may be because of the physical
hardships of Russian life — from the long winters to shortages of goods.
8. Again, Russians appear to prefer dear cultural norms and rules
and to easily judge and criticize those who break them.
9. Russian workers and Russian students appear to prefer detailed
and precise instructions from supervisors or teachers. Decisions about what
should be done, and how, appear to be made at the top. Supervisors/teachers
appear to know best. People may prefer to follow clear directions from
above rather than risk errors or innovations that may harm their careers.
When your first arrived in Russia, what stood out the most?
. The forests, the vast number of green trees I saw from the
airplane window.
. It was my dream to study in Russia. It's a great country and
there are many opportunities for study. I love the writings of
Gorky, and through reading Gorky I got the impression that
Russians are clever and patient- it's a great country, as great
as the US.
What stereotypes did you hear about Russians before coming to
. People are poor. They have to wait in line for bread.
. It's liked a military zone, closed to most people.
. People are hospitable. You can knock on your neighbor's door.
There is brotherly love.
What stereotypes do Russians have of your part of the world?
. Everyone is very rich. There is lots of oil. (They don't
differentiate among countries).
. Women wear veils.
. People ride camels.
. Men marry four or five women.
. Everyone is Muslim. (They don't know about other religions).
. They don't know our history.
. Terrorists
. Not much knowledge, they only know the name Arafat.
Russian perceptions of Arabs/Southerners
. Southerners are called "black." There is discrimination based
on skin color. There are unpleasant encounters on the street.
Many international students have been assaulted. Flats have
been broken into. Almost everyone has been assaulted,
especially in bars, nightclubs, and discos. Students go out in
groups for safety in numbers.
. One student had two brothers who came to Russia. One brother
was beaten and had a severe head injury. Another had a leg
. Some babushki yell "Chechens go home!" One interviewee says
that he doesn't pay attention- he understands that they are old
and he understands the psychological reasons. Another says they
have no right to say those things. We are students here. We
have come here for our education. We are spending money and
adding to the Russian economy. We are not troubling anyone.
. Overall crime rate is high, but foreigners are particularly
victimized. There is no police protection. There seems to be no
law. There are police document checks and bribes. There has
been a big change in the past ten years. Now there is more
economic disorder, corruption, violence, and crime.
Why Questions
Why are women streetcar drivers? Why do they do manual and construction
. Why are young Russians rude to older people?
. Why don't young men don't give up seats on the trolley bus for
. Why do young people sometimes yell or shout bad words at old
Your Perceptions of Russia and Russians Now
. The people are friendly and sympathetic. Teachers are friendly
and sympathetic. Sympathy is the key to understanding.
. Russian women are very beautiful. They are patient, they work
hard, they are good housewives, they are always loyal, and they
dress nicely.
. There are a high number of educated people, especially in the
sciences. They are able to work under difficult conditions.
It's a wonder. It's not about equipment. That's Russia's
Major differences between cultures
. Alcohol — many Muslims do not drink.
. Families at home are bigger —5-10 people
. In Russia, people don't know their neighbors' names. They don't
greet each other on the street and communicate.
. Clothes — women dress more modestly than Russian women.
. Women don't smoke, drink, or dress revealingly as they do in
. Families support each other more. Brothers and sisters support
each other. Russian families seem more isolated and
. The divorce rate at home is very low.
. Men respect women more at home, there is not so much domestic
violence as in Russia.
When you first arrived in Russia, what stood out the most?
. People are very thin.
. How many people actually walk. There are lots of cars and good
public transportation, but there are lots of pedestrians too.
. How dirty the cities are. I knew they would look a little run
down, but there's more litter and trash than at home.
. People don't smile.
. Russians are not materialistic. They consider other people more
important than what you can buy.
. To some degree, they are less culturally aware. Russia was
dosed off to the rest of the world and Russians are not used to
seeing people of color.
. Men with machine guns at the airport A woman with big, black
poufy hair, a frilly white blouse, an army-issue green mini-
skirt, black stiletto heels, frosty pink lipstick and a scowl
It was like a scene from a John Waters movie.
. In 1978 I arrived in St. Petersburg from Sweden. It was like
going from color to black and white. There were shortages of
food. It was drab; it was dark. I came back in 1998. Ibis time
I noticed a washed-out drabness. People wore dark clothes, not
much color. There were things to buy in the shops this time,
but somehow everything looked faded. The communist experience
was unique. The whole world moved on, and Russia was closed
off. There are some good things and some bad things in this. It
was like being dropped off in the 1950s, when I was a child.
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