Нетрадиционные формы урока

Приложение 3.

Урок – спектакль по сказке О. Уайльда "Счастливый принц".

Задачи урока:

1) развивающая: развитие творческих способностей учащихся; развитие

психических функций, связанных с речемыслительной деятельностью: внимания,


2) воспитательная: воспитание у учащихся нравственных качеств, таких

как добро, сострадание, сопереживание;

3) познавательная: привитие интереса к художественной литературе

страны изучаемого языка.

Перед распределением ролей необходимо ознакомить ребят с биографией

Оскара Уайльда и содержанием сказки.

Работа над спектаклем ведется поэтапно, по мере подготовки текстов

ролей, которые учащиеся разучивают самостоятельно. Для того, чтобы

соединить все части в единое целое, достаточно двух-трех репетиций.

Знакомство учащихся со сказкой является одним из факторов его

эстетического воспитания. Инсценировка сказки, где в одно целое соединяется

английский язык, изготовление костюмов, общение детей, эмоциональное

переживание за героев сказки и друзей на сцене – все это способствует

повышению интереса ребят к английскому языку, раскрытию и развитию его

природных творческих способностей, учит общению и совместной деятельности.

Ход урока:

Characters: Mayor, Statue of the Happy Prince (Prince), street

children, Fairy, Swallow, Child, Poet, Little girl, poor people.

Part 1.

В центре сцены – статуя Счастливого Принца. Мэр города выходит на

сцену, подходит к статуе, осматривает ее со всех сторон.

Mayor: What a beautiful statue this Happy Prince is! As Mayor of this

town I must say that it`s a masterpiece of art and of our town, of course.

It gladdens our eyes and makes people happy. Sapphire eyes and gold leaves

all around his body. He is so beautiful. Pity, he is not useful.

Happy Prince: Why should I stay here? Why should I stay here, above

the people and see their sufferings and sorrows all the year round?

На сцену выбегает ребенок. Прячется за статуей и зовет своих друзей

Street child: Come here! I`m here!

Выбегают дети, начинают петь и танцевать. Потом с криками убегают.

Happy Prince: Why should I stay here? Why ...?

Выходит фея.

Fairy: Don`t cry, dear Prince. When you were alive and had a human

heart you, didn`t know the tears, the sorrow. You lived in the Palace of

Sans-Souci, where sorrow and misery are not allowed to enter. But now it`s

time to know the other side of life. You can see all the ugliness and all

the misery of your city.

Фея уходит. На сцену "выбегает" ласточка и садится у подножия статуи.

Swallow: I`m so tired! I need some rest.What a beautiful statue! Oh! I

have a golden room. What`s this? Where are these drops from? Oh! It`s you.

Why are you crying?

Prince: I`m crying because I observe people`s life with its troubles,

sorrows, sufferings. And I can`t do anything: my feet are fastened to this

pedestal, I cannot move. Look, far away there is poor house...

Part 2.

В правом углу сцены сидит за шитьем бедная женщина. На кроватке

больной ребенок – ее сынишка.

Mother: What should I do? My child is ill, he` s got a fever... I

have to make a dress for a court lady to earn a little money, but I can`t.

My hands are all pricked by the needle, I`m so exhausted.

Child: Mummy, mummy...! I want oranges ... oranges...

Mother: Go to sleep, my baby.

Prince: Swallow, little Swallow. Will you not stay with me for one

night and be my messenger? Far away in a little street there is a poor

house. I see a woman seated at a table. In a bed in the corner her

little boy is lying ill. The boy is so thirsty and the mother so sad.

Will you not take the ruby out of my sword – hill? I cannot move.

Swallow: Tonight I`ll go to Egypt. And I don`t think I like boys.

They throw stones at birds. But you look so sad. I will be your

messenger for this night. See you.

Ласточка выклевала большой рубин из шпаги Принца и полетела к убогому

дому, влетела в каморку и положила рубин на стол.

Mother: Thank God! Thank God!

Part 3

Когда взошла луна, Ласточка вернулась к Принцу.

Swallow: I come to bid you good-bye. It`s winter, I must go to Egypt.

Have you any commissions for Egypt? I am just starting.

Prince: Swallow, little Swallow, won`t you stay with me for one more

night and be my messenger? There is a talented but poor poet in a small


На сцену выходит поэт.

Poet: Oh! What should I do? I will not finish my play by tomorrow and

I will not get the money. It`s too cold to write any more. Hunger makes me

faint, the light of the candle is fading away. Why must everything depend

on money? Love, happiness, talent and even life... What should I do?

Prince: Swallow, won`t you stay me for one more night more.

Swallow: Don`t weep, dear Prince. I will stay with you for one night


Prince: Oh! Thank you! My eyes are all that I have left. They are made

of sapphire. Pluck out my sapphire eye and take it to him.

Swallow: See you.

Ласточка полетела к жилищу поэта и положила сапфир ему на стол.

Poet: Thank God! Thank God!

Part 4

Ласточка вновь вернулась к Принцу.

Swallow: I came to bid you good-bye.

Prince: Swallow, little Swallow, won`t you stay with me for one night


Swallow: It is winter, and the snow will soon be here. I am waited for

in Egypt. Dear Prince, I must leave you, but I will never forget you.

Prince: In the square below there stands a little match- girl. She has

let her match fall in the gutter, and they are all spoiled. Her father will

beat her if she does not bring home some money and she is crying. Pluck out

my other eye and give it to her.

Swallow: I will stay with you one night longer, but I cannot pluck out

your eye. You would be quite blind then.

Prince: Swallow, little Swallow, do as I command you.

Ласточка полетела к девочке и положила сапфир в ее руку.

Little girl: What a lovely bit of glass! Thank God!

Девочка, смеясь, побежала домой. Ласточка возвратилась к Принцу.

Swallow: You are blind now. So I will stay with you always.

Prince: No, little Swallow, you must go away to Egypt.

Swallow: I will stay with you always.

Prince: Dear little Swallow, fly over my city and tell me what you see


Part 5

Ласточка пролетела над городом и вернулась к Принцу.

Swallow: I saw the rich making merry in their beautiful houses. The

beggars were sitting at the gates. I saw the white faces of starving

children. Hear! Hear! A lot of poor people pray to survive and earn their

living. Hear! Hear!

Бедные люди вместе с детьми выходят на сцены и начинают молиться.

I lay me down to sleep,

I ask Good God my soul to keep,

And if I die before I wake,

I ask Good God my soul to take.

Prince: Swallow, little Swallow, I`m covered with gold. Take it and

give it to the poor.

Ласточка снимала со статуи золото и раздавала его бедным людям с


People: We have bread now! Thank God!

Выпал снег, за снегом пришел мороз. Ласточка мерзла, но не хотела

покинуть Принца, так как очень любила его. Только и хватило сил у ласточки

взобраться на плечо Принцу.

Swallow: Good-bye, Prince! Will you let kiss your hand?

Prince: I am glad that you are going to Egypt at last, little Swallow!

You have stayed too long here; but you must kiss me on the lips, for I love


Swallow: It is not to Egypt that I am going. I am going to the House

of Death.

Она поцеловала принца и мертвая упала к его ногам.

Part 6.

Мэр города выходит на сцену и подходит к статуе, осматривает ее со

всех сторон.

Mayor: Dear me! Is this the statue of the Happy Prince? How shabby he

looks! His eyes are gone, he is not golden any more. He is little better

than a beggar! He is not beautiful. He is ugly. Take him away. Oh! What`s

this? Dead bird? Birds aren`t allowed to die here. Take it away.

Fairy: Don`t worry, little Swallow, don`t worry, Happy Prince.

People don`t know what beauty is. You are the two precious things in

the city. I shall take you to the sky , for in my garden you`ll be happy.

You really deserve your happiness!

Все "актеры" выходят на сцену, кланяются.

Приложение 4.

Урок – праздник "William Shakespeare".

Задачи урока:

1) познавательная: знакомство учащихся с творчеством писателей страны

изучаемого языка;

2) развивающая: развитие навыков актерского мастерства;

3) воспитательная: воспитание художественного вкуса у учащихся;

воспитание межличностных отношений.

Ход урока:

Teacher: Good morning, dear friends! Today we are going to speak

about the greatest English writer W. Shakespeare. Everyone, I think, has a

favourite Shakespeare play in his memory: Othello, King, Lear, Romeo and

Juliet. We don`t know a lot about Shakespeare`s biography, but today we are

going to imagine some moments from his life. (Танцуют девушки. Молодой

Шекспир подходит к одной из них).

William: Excuse me, young lady! I don`t know your name. You danced

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