Regional variation of pronunciation in the south-west of England

|> [e]: | | |

|but [bet] | | |

|dust [dest] | | |

|“ou”/“ow” |

| | |Easter |

| | |> [av]: |

| | |low [lav] |

| | |owe [au] |

|“oo” |

|North-Western |Western |Middle/Eastern |

|> [?]: |> [ö]: |> [ ]: |

|good [g?d] |book [bök] |book [b k] |

|hood [h?d] |cook [kök] |brook [br k] |

|foot [f?t] |crook [krök] |crook [kr k] |

|blood [bl?d] |look [lök] |look [l k] |

|stood [st?d] |took [tök] |took [t k] |

|bloom [bl?m] |good [göd] |good [g d] |

|broom [br?m] |foot [föt] |foot [f t] |

|moon [m?n] |stood [stöd] |soot [s t] |

|loom [l?m] | |flood [fl d] |

|root [r?t] | | |

|spoon [sp?n] | | |

|Eastern | | |

|> [ ]: | | |

|book [b k] | | |

|brook [br k] | | |

|crook [kr k] | | |

|look [l k] | | |

|“er”, “ir”, “ur” |

| |Southern | |

| |> [a:]: | |

| |learn [la:n] | |

| |earth [a:?] | |

| |bird [ba:d] | |

| |birch [ba:t?] | |

| |merchant [’ma:t??nt] | |

| |herb [ha:b] | |

| |work [wa:k] | |

|“or” |

| |> [a:]: fork [fa:k], horse [ha:s], horn [ha:n], |

| |short [?a:t], |

| | Morning [’ma:n??], word [wa:d] |

|“ew” |

|Eastern | |Northern |

|> [ü:]: | |> [jav]: |

|dew [dü:] | |dew [djau] |

|few [fü:] | |few [fjau] |

| | |new [njau] |

| |

|2. Consonantism |

|[w] in the beginning of the word or before “h” |

|old [w l] | |[w] is not pronounced: |

|oak [w k] | |week [ouk] |

|hot [w t] | |swick [su:k] |

|home [w m] | | |

|orchard [wurt??t] | | |

|hole [hwul] | | |

|hope [hwup] | | |

|open [’wupen] | | |

|“w” before “r” |

|is not pronounced |Western |is not pronounced |

| |> [vr]: | |

| |wreck, wren, wrench, | |

| |wrap, write, wrong | |

| |e.g. Ye vratch, ye’ve | |

| |vrutten that a’vrang. | |

| |(= You wretch, you’ve | |

| |written that all wrong.)| |

|“wh” at the beginning of a word is [w], [u:], [u?] |

|in the middle of a word [w] is pronounced |

|boy [bwo], moist [mw ?st], toad [twud], cool [kwul], country [’kw?ntr?] |

|“f”, “th”, “s”, “sh” are voiced |

|Friday [’vræ:d?], friends [vr?n(], fleas [vle:z], and in the these words: |

|foe, father, fair, fear, find, fish, foal, full, follow, filth, fist, fire, |

|fond, fault, feast, force, forge, fool. |

|[?]: thought [ð :t], thick [ð?k], thigh [ða?], and in the words: from, |

|freeze, fresh, free, friend, frost, frog, froth, flesh, fly flock, flood, |

|fleece, fling, flower, fail. |

|“t” at the beginning of the word before a vowel |

|Nothern | | |

|> [t?]: | | |

|team [t?em], | | |

|tune [t?un], | | |

|Tuesday [’t?uzde] | | |

|East D “t” in the middle| | |

|of the word is voiced: | | |

|bottle [’b dl], | | |

|kettle [’kedl], | | |

|little [’l?dl], | | |

|nettle [’nedl], | | |

|bottom [’b dm], | | |

|matter [’med?], | | |

|cattle [’k dl], | | |

|kittens [k?dnz] | | |

|“t” in the middle of the word is voiced |

| | |Western |

| | |bottle [’b dl], |

| | |kettle [’kedl], |

| | |little [’l?dl], |

| | |nettle [’nedl], |

| | |bottom [’b dm], |

| | |matter [’med?], |

| | |cattle [’k dl], |

| | |kittens [k?dnz] |

|The consonant [t] in (the French borrowings) hasn’t become [t?] as it is in |

|RP: |

|picture [’p?kt?r], nature [’net?r], feature [’f??t?r] |

|the middle [t] sometimes disappears in the positions before “m…l”, “n…l”, |

|“m…r” |

| |Western | |

| |brimstone [’br?msn] | |

| |empty [’emp?] | |

| |The same happens to the | |

| |middle [b]: | |

| |chamber > chimmer, | |

| |embers > emmers, | |

| |brambles > brimmels | |

|between “l” and “r”; “r” and “l”; “n” and “r” a parasitic [d] has developed |

|parlour [’pa:ld?r], tailor [’ta?ld?r], smaller [’sm :ld?r], curls |

|[’ka:dlz], hurl [’a:dl], marl [’ma:dl], quarrel [’kw :dl], world [’wa:dl], |

|corner [’ka:nd?r] |

| | |Western |

| | |a parasitic [d] appeared|

| | |after [l, n, r]: |

| | |feel [fi:ld] |

| | |school [sku:ld] |

| | |idle [a?dld] |

| | |mile [ma?dl] |

| | |born [ba?nd] |

Ñòðàíèöû: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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