Private sector and human-resource development in Georgia

·         In infrastructure support is being provided through the Municipal Development and Decen­tralization Credit and the Social Investment Fund Credit. These projects are providing financing at the community level for critical infrastructure needs, primarily for school and health facili­ties heat­ing and repair, small hydropower schemes to provide electricity, drinking water and sanitation reha­bilitation, as well as transportation infrastructure rehabilitation. 

·         In rural development IDA credits have supported the development of private sector farming and agro-processing improvements, agricultural credit, irrigation and drainage, and agriculture research and extension.  IDA has also been supporting the creation of local institutions such as rural credit unions and water users associations through its Credits.

Areas in which the World Bank leads and its analysis serves as input into the IMF program

4.                  The Bank has been leading the dialogue on structural reforms through SAC 3, approved by the Bank’s Board of Executive Directors in June, 1999, and closed in October, 2002.  Despite considerable delays, the core conditions of SAC 3 were met, but their impact was reduced by poor governance.  Institution building and technical assistance has been supported through the Structural Reform Support Credit, also approved by the Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on June 29, 1999.   The Bank also leads in the areas of:

·         Private sector development.  SAC 3 supported improvements in the environment for private sector development, focusing on: (i) simpler licensing regulations; (ii) more transparent government procurement; (iii) reduced cost of entry for businesses; and (iv) privatization of state-owned commercial assets.  IDA has also been supporting private sector participation in other areas such as energy, telecommunications, urban services and agriculture.  The IMF has worked with the authorities to initiate audits of the 2002 accounts of three major state owned enterprises.

·      Energy.  The energy system is in poor condition, with unreliable supply, massive non-pay­ment and mounting debts.  IDA has been working with other donors, including the IMF, to encourage more private management and ownership, and to implement a series of short-term action plans to improve the overall functioning of the sector.  The IMF has also been focus­ing on improved payments for electricity.

·      Public Sector Management.  The Bank is supporting the development of a civil service reform program, while the Fund is providing technical assistance in support of tax and customs administration reform. 


Areas of shared responsibility of the World Bank and IMF

5.                  The Bank and the Fund have been working jointly in the following main areas (supported by the Bank’s SAC 3 and Structural Reform Support Credit, several investment operations and the Fund’s PRGF):

·         Poverty Reduction Strategy.  Both institutions have been working closely with the Govern­ment to provide support to the development of the PRSP, through seminars and workshops, direct staff input, and a multi-donor Trust Fund to support the work of the PRSP secretariat..  

·         Budget Planning and Execution.  The annual process-based Public Expenditure Reviews will provide the underpinnings for systemic changes in expenditure management, with the immediate aim being improved budget formulation in 2004.  The IMF is focusing on Treas­ury reform within the Ministry of Finance.

·         Financial Sector Reforms.  The joint Financial Sector Assessment Program has supported: (i) strengthened banking and non-banking supervision; (ii) introduction of international accounting standards; (iii) and consolidation of banks through higher capital requirement ratios; and (iv) anti money-laundering legislation.  The IMF has focused in particular on banking supervision.

·         Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA).  Given Georgia’s heavy external debt burden, the Bank and the Fund conduct joint Debt Sustainability Analysis on a regular basis. 

Areas in which the IMF leads and its analysis serves as input into the World Bank program


·            Fiscal Framework.  The IMF’s focus on prudent fiscal policy has served as an impor­tant framework for IDA’s work on public expenditure management.

Areas in which the IMF leads and there is no direct World Bank involvement

·            Monetary Framework. The IMF closely collaborates with the NBG in the design and implementation of a monetary program that aims at remonetization of the economy, while keeping inflation low and the exchange rate of the Lari stable

·         Economic Statistics. IMF technical assistance has been conducive to improvements in national accounts, price, monetary and government financial statistics.

5.1.5        The World Bank Country Assistance Strategy for Georgia



(as identified in the EDPRP)

Responsible Agencies

Focus of Bank


Expected Results FY04-06

Bank Group Program


WB Performance

Indica­tors for End FY06

Improvement of Governance

·                            Development of a compre­hensive, long-term concept and action plan of executive government reforms, and of a program to improve structure and number of employees in organizations under budgetary financing

State Chancel­lery, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Finance

relevant execu­tive government bodies

Assistance to the State Chan­cellery in carrying out a functional analy­sis of the central gov­ernment agencies and assess­ment of budget­ary em­ployment, remu­nera­tion, and training pol­icy; on the basis of the above studies, de­velop recommendations

Widely owned program to improve functioning of gov­ernment administration  and agencies; remuneration and retrenchment policy for core civil service introduced, and plans for civil service training developed 

Public Sector Management Project


Initiation of reform and re­structuring of civil service

·            Inventory of normative acts defining the competence of government agencies to avoid duplication of local government functions

State Chancel­lery of Georgia, Ministry of Justice

Review of the existing legal framework

Initiation of  legislative change and amendments

Public Sector Management Project; Public Expenditure Reviews



Duplications and overlap among the central state agencies reduced, mandates more clearly defined

·                            Distinction of municipal property from central gov­ernment and private prop­erty

State Chancel­lery, Ministry of Economy, Industry and Trade, Agency of State

Property Man­agement, Min­istry of Justice, Ministry of Finance

Advice on financing mechanism for transfer of road and transport properties and legal mechanisms for owning and managing very low volume farm access roads

Revised functional/admini­stration classification of roads; sound allocation formula for divid­ing Road Fund revenues be­tween road owners

Secondary Roads Project; Trade and Transport Fa­cilitation Pro­ject; Rural Infra­structure Study

Kuwait Fund for Eco­nomic Devel­opment

New road classification; new procedures for manag­ing the road fund, including allocation of funds between road owners

Macroeconomic Stability

·                            Preparation of indicative plans of development for the economy for 2004 and 2005

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