Private sector and human-resource development in Georgia

Ministry of Economy, In­dustry and Trade

Improvement of linkage be­tween policy, re­source constraints and budgets

Develop a more realistic me­dium-term budget framework

Public Expen­diture Re­views, PRSC in High Case



Budget execution closer to planned

·                            Initiate the process to con­vert a portion of government debt liabilities into long-term debt instruments

National Bank

Assistance to the MoF develop long-term debt instru­ments, e.g. gov­ernment bond market

MoF starts to use medium to long-term government bonds to replace the rolling of short-term debt instruments

Financial Sector Advi­sory Program


1-10 year government bond market in place

·                            Improvement of the man­agement of international re­serves of the NBG

National Bank

Advise to National Bank on management of reserves

Increased import coverage

Financial Sector Advi­sory Program


Gross foreign reserves to reach over 2 months of im­ports

·                            Completion of tax and cus­toms administration reform

Ministry of Finance, State Tax and Cus­toms Depart­ments

Development of a busi­ness-friendly tax envi­ron­ment

Increased collection of excise taxes and improved VAT ad­ministration

Public Expen­diture Re­views, Busi­ness Environ­ment Study, PRSC in High Case


Collection of excise taxes to reach over 2 percent of GDP

·                            Implementation of treasury reform, centralization of treasury service; develop­ment and introduction of commitment accounting and control system; develop­ment and introduction of expenditure control system

Ministry of Finance

Assistance to the MOF to improve its cash and debt  man­agement ca­pacity and skills

Consolidation of effective control system, and adoption of a single treasury account

CPAR Up­dates, Public Expenditure Reviews, PRSC in High Case


Improved cash management and debt management ca­pacity

·                            Improve government pro­curement system and ex­pand scope of its cover­age

State Procure­ment Depart­ment, Ministry of Economy, Industry and Trade

Establishment of a transparent state pro­curement system; decentralization of State procurement functions to line agen­cies

Greater efficiency and compe­tition within the system; re­duced delays and corruption in procurement process

CPAR, Public Expenditure Reviews, PRSC, project lending (e.g. Secondary Roads and Trade and Transport Facilita­tion)

Recommendations of Country Portfolio Assess­ment Report implemented

·                            Gradual increase of the share of targeted programs in the state budget 

Ministry of Finance, Min­istry of Econ­omy, Industry and Trade

Develop program-based budgeting

Improve consistency between medium-term indicative plan and the budget

Public Expen­diture Re­views, Public Sector Man­agement Credit, PRSC in High Case


Public Expenditure Reviews assessment of better target­ing of programs in the budget

·                            Inventory of budgetary arrears

Ministry of Finance

Establish accurate esti­mates of past govern­ment liabilities

Better information on, and reduc­tion in, arrears

CFAA Up­dates, Public Expenditure Reviews


Reduced arrears

·                            Increase the number of par­ticipants in treasury bill market and improve bidding mechanisms to increase maturity and re­duce the dis­count rate through market

Ministry of Finance, Na­tional Bank, Na­tional Com­mis­sion of Secu­rities

More competitive and efficient T-bill market

Short term: more partici­pants for competitive bidding, and for non-competitive quota; medium term: cash man­age­ment, coordination be­tween MOF & NBG on T-bills/open market operations; long term: independent debt man­agement office

Financial Sector Advi­sory Program, PRSC in High Case



Lower T-bill yield

·                            Develop legislation promot­ing the activities of invest­ment funds in order to introduce best corporate management practice in enterprises and develop stock market

Ministry of Finance, Na­tional Commis­sion of Securi­ties

Help build legal envi­ronment for investment funds; provide infor­mation/advice

Establishment of legal envi­ronment for investment funds

Financial Sector Advi­sory Program

Regulation of investment funds in place; NCS has capacity to supervise those funds

·                            Prepare and adopt bill “on Personification and Regis­tration of Insurance Contri­butions to Social Insurance System” required for regu­larizing first (distributive) pillar of pension system and development of pensioners’ personified registration system

Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Pro­tection

Support to Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Pro­tection on legal reforms and their implementation

Law adopted successfully

Social Protec­tion Reform Project

Regularization of 1st pillar of pension system; better links between pensions and con­tri­bu­tions

·                            For private pension funds, adopt statutory normative acts in accordance with the laws “on Non-Government Pension Funds” and “on Securities Market”

National Secu­rities Commis­sion, Minis­try of Labor, Health and Social Pro­tection

Support to National Secu­rities Commis­sion and Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Pro­tection on legal reforms and their implementa­tion

Normative acts developed and adopted

Social Protec­tion Reform Project

Improved regulatory envi­ronment in the area of pri­vate pensions

·                            Prepare amendments to the Tax Code and investment rules of pension assets to promote the development of non-banking financial sec­tor, including nongovern­mental voluntary insurance system

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