too. But what has taken on the character of a strong derivative device with
composites has proved much weaker with unit words on account of their
entirely different structure. Further development seems to point in the
direction of homologic stressing.
Combination of the type hanger-on may be mentioned here. As they are
functionally characterized by the suffix -er, the absence of stress shift
is only natural. The stress pattern of the underlying verbal phrase is
The abilities in production new words from colourmarcking adjectives.
The world around of us is the world of colour and paints, for which a
variety of combinations and shades is characteristic. The colour is one of
properties of objects of the material world and is perceived as the
realized visual sensation. The adjectives are used as a special part of
speech serving for a colour designation . The word-formation serves for a
designation of colour shades of adjectives, and also for the parts of
speech formed from them. Between that, the word-formation aspect of lexic
has remained indifferently, word-formation relations inside this layer,
with its originality, deserves the attention by way of their description
and study in the language.
The word-formation is a system, which unites grammatical and lexical,
that speaks about its enterlevel character and allows to apply the complex
approach to the investigated phenomena. Essence of grammar of a word-
formation suffix, which signals about the belonging a derivative word to
this or that part of speech and defines its paradigm, confirms this idea.
Also, on the basic purpose, which consists in creation of a new word and
updating of the vocabulary , the indissoluble unity of a word-formation and
lexicon is shown. Besides the word-formation, having own sphere of
research, studies word-formation resources and processes conducting to
creation of word-formation models, and also condition of functioning and
filling the lasts.
As the adjectives of a colourmarking concern to the most ancient layer
of lexicon, at their analysis there was necessary to pay attention to the
facts of diachronic, and also to consider an originality of the given group
of words, which is allocated with the various symbolic. This circumstance
finds the reflection in formation of portable meanings which are included
in lexical-semantic structure of initial adjectives, and influences the
lexical filling of word-formation models their derivatives.
The study of lexical-semantic structures of colourmarking adjectives
has shown unusual connection of colour and noncolour meanings, variety of
their shades, the influence of the nonlanguage validity on semantics of a
word. It was established, that the contextual environment of colourmarking
adjectives has the large importance for the adequate description of their
lexical-semantic structures.
The word-formation model is closely connected to word-formation
paradigm. Each adjective has own paradigm having unequal extent and various
morpheme filling of models, included in it. On the basis of research of
each separate paradigm, it is possible to deduce the generalized word-
formation paradigm of the given group of words, which is characterized by
presence constant, basic, facultative and even “unique” participants, that
is shown in the limits of the language.
The word-formation can be made:
1) inside one part of speech: A+suf=A1
2) by a transposition: - A+suf=N,
- A+suf=V,
- A+suf=D,
- V+suf=N,
where A - initial adjective, suf - word-forming suffix, A1, N, V, D -
derivatives: adjective, noun, verb, adverb.
1. A+suf=A1.
The basic suffixes -ish, -y are the constant and obligatory members of
general word-formation paradigm, i.e. enter into the paradigm of each
2.1 A+suf=N.
-ness is the conducting suffix here. The abstract nouns belong to this
model in the English language: blueness.
Other derivatives, in which formation the various suffixes take part,
are facultative, i.e. can be found in paradigm of one or two adjectives.
The presence of the facultative members depends on portable and minor
meanings which are included in lexical-semantic structure of initial
lexises. So in a derivative noun “blueism” one of meanings of the adjective
“blue” - "интеллектуальный", "ученый", "премудрый" etc. is realized, and
the suffix -ism introduces in the semantics of the derivative the
generalized meaning.
The portable meaning of an adjective “green” - "неопытный", "незрелый"
is shown in the appropriate derivatives – “greener, greenie” - carriers of
this quality. It is necessary to note, that paradigmatic lines can have
unequal extent because of the facultative members. “Green - greenness,
greenery, greenth, greenage, greener, greenie, greenlet, greening,
Speaking about the semantic of the derivatives it is necessary to note
that their polysemantic is in the direct dependence on character of lexical-
semantic structure of an initial basis. Depending on a context the suffix
noun “blueness “ one of the meanings of motivating adjectives realizes: «
синева, лазурь, синий цвет » (blue – “синий, голубой” -the actualizing of
the basic colour meaning), "синяк" ( the actualizing of minor meaning),
«ученость, премудрость, интеллектуальность» (blueism), "«непристойность"
(blue-joke - « неприличная, непристойная шутка » - the actualizing of
portable meaning).
The realization of the model A+suf=N is connected to redistribution
of semas and one-radical parts of speech in semantic structure. General-
categorical sema of that part of speech, in which the initial lexis was
transposed - here it is a sema of a subject inherent by a noun, become the
basic one. After it, semas, subordinated to it: abstract, concrete and
animate, follow, depending on character of a derivative noun. Only then
the general-categorical sema of an initial adjective - sema of an attribute
settles down.
2.2 A+suf=V.
The suffix verbs formed from colourmarking adjectives, carry
facultative character (redden, blacken, whiten) and differ by the ramified
lexical-semantic structure. Its size is defined not only because of
entrance simultaneously of semas of transitivity and intransitivity in it,
but also due to more various lexical semantics. The given model also is
characterized by redistribution of semas, which occurs at a verbal
transposition. The conducting place is occupied by a general-categorical
sema of verbs – the sema of process, and also semas, subordinated to it, of
transitivity and intransitivity. Only after them the sema of an attribute
inherent in initial adjectives, follows.
2.3 A+suf=D.
This model is submitted in the English language by a suffix -ly, and
the derivative adverbs are the constant members of the paradigm (bluely,
brownly, greenly, yellowly).
2.4 V+suf=N.
In the English language this model is submitted by suffix nouns formed
from verbs. To blue bluer « тот, кто воронит сталь ». The English deverbal
nouns with a suffix -ing are characterized by constant participation in
paradigm (blueing, browning, greening, redding, yellowing).
Besides the affix models, examining the word-formation opportunities
of colourmarking adjectives the important role is played by models of an
affixless wordmaking. They assume an obligatory transposition of parts of
speech. If the distinctive feature of an affix word-making is the presence
of a marker as a final word-forming suffix, then such marker is not present
at the affixless (implicit) word-making. Because of its complexity the
problem of an affixless word-making is examined from various points of
view, and the ways for its solution are planned:
1. The word-formation means of this way of a word-making come to
2. The processes occurring at an affixless word-making, are
examined in connection with typological features of the language and its
morphological build;
3. The criteria for a synchronous establishment of a direction of
a derivation are developed;
4. Various methods of the analysis are applied, supplementing each
Two basic models of an affixless word-making were allocated: A(N, A(
The model A(N reflects the phenomenon of a substantivation.
The English language, where the category of a gender is absent,
aspires to include various meanings in one lexeme structure and to expand
volume of its lexical-semantic structure by that, at realization of this
model. An indispensable condition of functioning derivative, formed on the
given model, is the change of categorial semantics of a part of speech and
redistribution of semas in their semantic structure. Besides an obligatory
general-categorial sema of a noun -the sema of a subject, for the English
derivative lexeme the entry in its structure simultaneously of semas
abstract and concrete, animate and inanimateness etc. is peculiar, that is
the specific feature of the English language. In the English language, with
its analytical tendency, there is an aspiration to a full semantic filling
of a word.
The character of semantic shifts occurring at realization of this
model, can be explained with help of lexical-semantic structure, where
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