Конверсионное словообразование прилагательных цветообозначения. Методика преподавния в нач.классах

table 1)

For formation the skill of the conscious using words formed by a way

of conversion ,in oral and written speech and also for acquaintance with

its role in the English language the forming experiment including number of

the tasks, promoting to achievement of this purpose was done. The final

aim was not in remembering the term conversion and its definitions by the

pupils, but in understanding of sense of the phenomenon, as one of the

most productive ways of formation of new words in the English language. At

the first stage, on an example of two sentences, using the leading

questions, children come to a conclusion, that the same word can represent

various parts of speech (see appendix 2). At the following stage was

primary fastening of this material, i.e. the schoolboys were offered to

explain the statement of this or that word in the sentence on an example of

a material of ascertaining experiment (see appendix 3). The following task

consist in the following: a number of adjectives of a colourmarking was

offered to children who needed to translate them; it is quite natural,

that the schoolboys have apprehended them as adjectives. Further before the

younger schoolboys the dilemma was put: whether these words can have the

pair, which would be the other part of speech without changing the form of

the word. All children successfully have coped with this task, using the

dictionaries, conclusion that these pairs of words illustrate the

phenomenon of conversion, was made by schoolboys by themselves (see

appendix 4). Further group of children was divided into the brigades, the

individual word was offered to every one, with which they needed to do the

following operations: to find out, one or several parts of speech can be

represented by this word to prove it, it was necessary to make the

sentences with these words and to explain an belonging the word to this

or that part of speech. By the purpose of this task was to fix the pupils’s

knowledge of this theme, and also to train in the using of these words in

the sentence, in particular, and in speech in general (see appendix 4). At

the following stage of generalization of the knowledge and fastening,

automation of skill of the using the words formed on conversion the task

consist in, that 1) to define a part of speech of the allocated words in

the sentence, 2) to make the sentences similar by the given ones, 3) to

define a part of speech of the words submitted outside of a context. The

third part of the task is obviously impracticable, because it was given

only the graphic form of a word, that in general ruled out any opportunity

to differentiate it as part of speech. It is natural, that children have

done only the two first parts of the task, last part has caused them the

quite justified difficulties, and by the method of group work succeeded to

come to the conclusion that the words given only in a graphic form, can

designate different parts of speech, for the confirmation it the schoolboys

had to use the dictionaries (see appendix 5). If to speak about the whole

forming experiment, it is possible to note, that the children liked the

tasks, they tried to do everything in time. Though this experiment did

not put as the purpose the remembering the term conversion and its

definitions by the children , however, almost all children used it in the

demonstration and independent explanation.

The purpose of a check experiment was revealing the level of

children’s knowledge . For this purpose the test was offered to the

schoolboys, where answering on questions "yes", "no", they came to a

certain pictogram, which designated the certain mark. The questions are

made by a principle from simple to difficult, therefore children at first

have apprehended this task, as a game (see appendix 6). The results of

check have shown a rather high level of the knowledge (see appendix 7,

table 2).

Considering the results of the done work, it is possible to come to

conclusion that the studying of this theme regularly, can give quite

acceptable results. Though there is no sufficient methodical base, which

could help with formation of the skill of using the words formed on

conversion in oral and written speech, mastering children of knowledge on

this theme however is possible. As the adequate moment of a beginning

studying of this phenomenon it is possible to consider the third year of

training of foreign language in a primary school. The studying of this

aspect of the English language promotes the enrichment of the child’s

dictionary , and as it was spoken plays not the last role in studying of

the language, forms the skill of independent work, develops such mental

processes, as memory, logic thinking, ability to analyze and to compare.

The next years of training the deepening and expansion of this theme with a

support on the items of information received in an elementary school is


IV. Conclusion.

The examination of the works of some authors (Adams, Jespersen,

Marchand/1, 7, 10/), shows such problem, as the exact status of conversion

within word-formation is unclear. For some scholars conversion is a brunch

of derivation, for others it is a separate type of word-formation, on level

with derivation and compounding. Whether this distinction has any real

effect on the structure of a theory of word-formation. Most writers use

both terms appear to use them as synonyms. However many authors agreed that

the conversion is one of the most productive ways of a word-formation and

is a lexical category, though many of them show it as a grammatical

category too. Then the word changes the form class of a form without any

corresponding changes of form, it accepts all grammatical attributes of

this class. The significant productivity of conversion word-formation is

shown also in ability of formation the new words practically from any part

of speech, including prepositions. In the paper the models of conversion

word-formation are submitted, such as: verb(substantive, verb(adjective,

verb(locative particles, verb(interjections, substantive(verb. Examining

the opportunities of formation the new words from adjectives of a

colourmarking, it is possible to note, that they participate in suffix,

conversion word-formation, and also form new words by word adding. And at

any of these ways can be realized both direct, and portable meaning, and

the words formed on conversion (more often nouns) can be included into

structure of phraseologies.

The purpose of the put experiments of a practical part of this paper

was achieved. Children have acquired the offered initial knowledge of a

theme of a conversion word-formation, have learned to use such words in

oral and written speech. Besides it, they have remembered the term


Taking into account the quite good results, received during the

experiment, it is possible to plan the further ways of development of

studying this way of word-formation at school and, in particular, in

primary classes. The further studying of this phenomenon can be done by

offering serially one of the models V(A, N(V etc. It is possible to predict

the successful result of this studying,, and at the end, children would be

able to find the examples of conversion word-formation and use them in

oral and written speech

V. Bibliography.

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formation. Longman. 1973.

2. Bauer, L. English word-formation. Cambridge. 1983.

2. Bett, H. Wandering among words. Allemand. 1936.

3. Biese, Y. Origin and development of conversion in English.

Helsinki. 1941.

4. Brown, I. Just another word. Cape. 1943.

5. Bladin, V. Studies and denominative verbs in English. Uppsala.


6. Jespersen, O. A modern English grammar on historical principles.

Copenhagen. 1942.

7. Kruisinga, E. A handbook of present day English. Groningen. 1932.

8. Lyons, J. Introduction to theoretical linguistic. London. 1972.

9. Marchand, H. The categories and types of present day word-

formation. Harrassowitz. 1960.

10. Mencken, H. The American language. New York. 1936.

11. Vallins, G. The making and meaning of words. Black, London. 1941.

12. Воронцова, Г. Очерки по грамматике английского языка. М. 1960.

13. Жирмунская, М. Л. Словообразовательные потенции прилагательных

цветообозначения в современных германских языках. М., 1982.

14. Иванова, И. П. Христоматия по истории английского языка. Л.


15. Каращук, П. Словообразование английского языка. М. 1977.

17. Мешков, О. Словообразование в современном английском

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18. Сильницкий, Г (отв. ред.). Проблемы английского

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19. Смирницкий, А. История английского языка. М. 1953.

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-Berg, P. A dictionary of new words in English. London. 1953.

-Jones, D. An English pronouncing dictionary. London. 1957.

-The Oxford pocket Russian dictionary. Oxford. 1994.

Appendix 1. Ascertaining experiment.

Цель: выявить уровень знаний учащихся об употреблении слов,

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